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Walking in the door, I heard my stepdad on the phone with James, asking him when I planned on coming home. "Oh here she is" He said hanging up the phone. "Did you and Alexia get the project done?" He asked walking up to me and kissing me on the forehead. "Almost. We would have been, but we have a third partner and we didn't think we needed to do all of the work." I say placing my bag down. "Who is this third person?" "Darius Sheffield." "The quarterback? Oh he ain't doing no work." My stepdad said making me laugh. "He better if he wants a good grade." I responded. He agreed and let me continue to my room.

Later that night, I heard a knock at my window. Thinking it was James I hurriedly opened it only to see Alexia. "What's wrong?" "Can you come out for a second?" She asked me. Devastation filled her face and now I'm wondering if she knows. "Meet me out front." I say getting up to put on a pair of sweatpants and sliding my feet into my Nike slides.  My heart started racing as I slowly walked to the door. I don't know how to explain but I guess I'm gonna have to tell her the truth. "Whats up?" I asked, stepping on the porch and seeing her sitting on the swing. "My dad is cheating on my mama." She said as the tears begin to slowly slide down from her hazel eyes. "What? With who?" I asked sitting beside her and grabbing her hand. "My mama doesn't know. She just found a small g-string  in the bed. And she is heavyset so she knows it wasn't hers." Alexia cried into my shoulder. I patted her back and said nothing. Not even that it's my g-string that her mama found. "They're arguing now. I couldn't listen to anymore of it so I came here. I'm sorry for bothering you but I didn't know where else to go." She cried, now I feel bad. But not too bad that imma leave him alone. "This is awful! I can't believe he would do that to her. She is such a great woman." I said rolling my eyes behind her head. Of course my tone sounded sincere. And I'm sorry Alexia is hurting but you love who you love. "Alexia!" Her mom called from across the road. "I guess I gotta go now." She stood up and walked back home. I watched her walk off and couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I'm relieved to know that they don't know who it is though. I can't lie about that. I went back into my room to find a text from James. Asking me to tell his wife that I took a bath in their bathroom and got dressed in their room. That ain't gonna work fool. Why I put my underwear on their bed? If I just took them off? I thought he was leaving her anyway so why is he coming up with an excuse? Unless he really ain't going nowhere. Now we got a problem.

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