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I woke up to see Tyler laying behind me. My head hurt as I grabbed the bottle of aspirin off of the night stand. I was naked and I looked under the cover to see that he was naked too. Did we? But I don't remember anything. I got up and threw a T-shirt on. "Morning" Tyler rolled over and murmured. I smiled and walked into the bathroom to look at myself. My hair was all over my head and there were hickies on my neck. Okay maybe we did do something. Tyler walked into the bathroom, naked as the day he was born and stood behind me. Wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're so damn beautiful." He said kissing my neck. "But.." "Yeah I know. But you gotta get home to your wife." I say looking at him through the mirror. "No. But I have to get in the shower. So move." He laughed gently pushing me out of the way so that he could turn on the water. "That's a phrase that you've heard too many times before and I'm here to make sure you never hear that shit again. Now get yo ass in this shower." He said opening up the curtain and stepping back to give me room. "But you belong to somebody else." I say taking the shirt off and stepping inside the tub. "No..I've always belonged to you girl." He said kissing me, transferring his passionate energy to me. He held on to me for dear life as our tongues intertwined in a synchronized dance. "Mmm" I moaned into his mouth as he ran his hands through my hair and lifted me up against the wall, entering me. I gasped for air as I wrapped my legs around his waist. It was a pleasurable kind of pain and I was enjoying it. He was putting love into my body with every stroke. "Shit! Yes daddy!" I screamed as he went deeper, touching my soul with his penis. "I love you girl." He moaned as he continued to take me on the ride to climax. "I..love..you..too." I moaned back as he we came together. He laid his forehead on my breasts trying to catch his breath. "Ty?" "Yeah?" "You love me for real?" "I never stopped loving you." He made me smile as he put me down and we bathed each other.

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