Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Gavin’s POV

I rubbed Ivan’s back with small circles as he stared down at Devon’s sleeping face. After we managed to help Devon from his hyperventilation, he popped some pills and went to sleep until morning. Devon was breathing normally but Ivan was worried sick. He told me that he had never seen Devon reacting this way.

A knock on the door pulled us away from our respective thoughts and turned towards the door. Blake peered in. “Clyde and I made pancakes. You guys should eat. It’s still 7. He’ll wake up soon,” he assured us. Clyde nodded his head. “Yea, we should,” he said and looked up at me. I smiled and kissed his cheek and pulled him up from the bed. As we were about to leave, we heard some shuffling behind us and saw Devon was waking up and pushing his blanket away.

“Hey, hey, you alright?” Ivan quickly went to attend him. Devon sat back on his bed and sighed. “I slept until morning?” he asked. Ivan nodded his head. “You were hyperventilating last night. What happened?” he asked. Devon’s eyes glanced up at me and I noticed he looked nervous.

“Who’s that?” he asked finally. I smiled and waved a hand. “I’m Gavin, Ivan’s boyfriend,” I introduced myself. He carved a small smile and looked at Ivan. “Where’s Blake?” he asked. “With Clyde in the kitchen,” he answered. “Want to go eat some breakfast?”

Devon nodded his head sheepishly and slowly got out of bed. “Oh, meet you guys in a bit. I feel like I need a shower,” he said and hurried to bathroom. I followed Ivan towards the kitchen and already Clyde was stuffing the pancakes in his face. “Don’t worry. We got more. I heard Devon’s voice just now. He’s awake?” Blake placed more hot pancakes onto the plate and smacked Clyde’s hand when he tried to reach for more. “He’s in the showers,” Ivan replied and plopped down on one of the seat.

We were talking about random stuff until Devon appeared and sat at the empty chair at the end of the table next to Ivan but further away from all of us. Blake was sitting near the counter since he was still cooking that never ending pancakes. “Good morning,” Devon said sheepishly. He had a new bandage around his right hand again and a smaller patch of bandage below his jaw.

“Since you passed out last night, let me introduce you properly. Devon, this is Clyde. Clyde, this is Devon,” Blake said, gesturing at his fiancé. Clyde made a small wave before continuing to eat his breakfast. Devon just smiled at him and looked at Ivan. “About last night…” he started. Ivan looked at him thoughtfully. “Are you okay to tell us?” he asked. Devon just shrugged. “You’re kind of my guardian right now so you should know anyway,” he said. Ivan nodded his head.

“Due to my situation, I developed an anxiety problem especially around big built and tall men…” he said and his eyes fell on both Clyde and I. It was quite a compliment considering both of us were not that built, we just happened to work out more and thus, have more muscles. “So, if I need to be meet someone with that kind of built, I have to be introduced from a safe distance, like at least five meters,” he continued. “Walking around in the mall or the park are a hassle, I admit. But I can’t help it. I’ve been bullied by those kinds of people for the past three years,” he said nonchalantly.

Blake had finished making pancakes by this time and placed a plate filled with three pancakes in front of Devon. “So you’re okay with us?” I braved myself to ask. Ivan turned to me and looked at me with a death glare. Devon shrugged. “I think so. I’m not fainting or hyperventilating right now,” he answered and started to eat his breakfast.

Ivan ruffled his hair and smiled. “You got any medication prescribed for you?” he asked. “Yep. One type only though, thank God. Only to be eaten whenever I feel like hyperventialing,” he replied.

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