Chapter 4

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I wake up instantly from a bad dream, finding my mum at the side of the bed. "Mum??" I breath.

"Hello, hun, do you have a good sleep?"

I look in the mirror, my face is pale and my hair is unusually straight. "You look like you've seen a ghost!" she laughs.

"Mum, what is...." My throat is unimaginably dry, for a moment I am unable to breath.

"Come here, darling" she reaches in to hug me. Failing, I try to back away but mum gets me too fast. I push away from her, using all strength. Her grip is too hard, I begin to scream, still trying to back away.


"STOP!" My heart pounds as I sit up, drowning from my own sweat.

"What's up with you?" Lexi asks, she looks like she has just gotten out of bed.

"I had a..a nightmare." Uncontrollably, I break down in tears. I haven't done this in a while.

Lexi walks over to my bed, wraps her arms around me and cradles me like a child. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay..."

"It was horrible, I don't understand why.." I weep on her shoulder.

"Well now I'm awake you can tell me what happened, if you want to."

Slowly I tell her the nightmare, sobbing now and then. After I finish telling Lexi the story, she stays silent and just stares down at the carpet.

"Lexi?" By now, I was getting worried. Eventually, she snaps out of her daze and back to reality.

"Um..Well, it was just a dream. So don't worry, I'm going to go and get changed.." She hesitates.

"Oh, okay." I watch her as she walks out. Funnily, her hair is in a knotted mess like a 2 year old has been playing with her hair. I hear her door shut behind her, but the door manages to slip open.

Small, quiet sobs fill the hallway.Lexi. I want to go and comfort her but I know she would want to be alone.

The clock ticks against the wall, which reminds of the time. Quickly, I check the clock and realize that I'm running late. Damn. In a rush, I throw on some leggings, a The Neighbourhood top (favourite band ever!) and my black leather jacket. My hair is in a stupid mess, not at all helping. So I run a brush through it speedily and spray some hairspray in it, put it in a ponytail and shove on a beanie.

Beep! Annoyingly, my phone rings, playing that annoying robot tune. I pick it up, trying to find my house keys too.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey where are you? Your usually here by now. Are you ok?" Oh for gods sake, it's Rick worrying like a grandma.

"I'm just running late, ok bye." Hastily, I hang up and carry on looking for my house keys.

After longs minutes of searching, I find them behind the shoe cupboard. I grab some toast and shout "See ya later, Lex and dad."

Speedily, I run to the bus stop. When I reach there , I see my distant school bus driving away. "Gah, what is life??" I moan out loud.

Suddenly, a random old man comes up to me and says "Are you alright?" Why am I always embarrassing myself, is what he should be asking!

"Oh..ah..I'm fine...must dash, thank you for your concern though." Must dash?? What am I saying?

"All right, deary." I speed walk away from the man, hoping he isn't still staring.


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