Chapter 12

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Zach drops me off at his house in his fancy car. For the rest of day I lay in bed at listen to some of my favourite bands and watch a few movies with Lexi. Although most of the time she was on her phone either arousing her boyfriend or gossiping with her girlfriend. "Wait, what happened to the other guy?" I question.

"Kerry, does it really look like I directed this movie?" She says while looking at her phone screen.

"Jeez, who are texting any way?" I grab the phone off her and begin mimicking her texts to 'The Bae'. She chases me around the living room for her precious phone.

"Awww, I love you boo! Kissy Kissy," I mock evilly.

"KERRY!" She screams, grabbing the phone off me finally. "I swear if you ever pull crap like that again, I will grab your Limited Edition Arctic Monkeys CD and slit your throat with it."

I laugh at her threat,"Oh, what a shame we missed the movie!" Carefully, I put the DVD back into it's case and head to go to bed.


I sit in my biology class seat, placing my bag on the empty seat beside me. Sneakily, I put my earphones in and nod to my music. Suddenly, I hear a knock at my table and I look up immediately. Oh no, not her again.

"Do you mind remind removing your bag? " She asks in a bored tone. Yes, yes I do please go away. Stop being so rude and antisocial, Kerry.

"No, you can sit here," I reply, pulling my bag from the seat to the table. I swear this girl is like stalking me or something, I see here everywhere!

"Great," she slumps down in her seat and begins throwing Skittles in her mouth and puts her earphones in too. Suddenly she hands me a packet of Starbursts, "You can have them, no questions asked."

What the hell just happened."How can I not..I don't want them," I whisper back, so the teacher doesn't hear out little conversation. She just shrugs and nods on to her music, so I do too.

As soon as class is finished I walk out immediately so can't catch up with me, but somehow she is able to still tag along with me. Casually, she flips open a box of something and then I realise what they are when she asks me "want some cigarettes?"

"ARE YOU CRAZY!? I burst out, a little to loud. The students surrounding us begin staring with confused faces. She grabs my arm in an instant and begins dragging me behind her. So I shove her arm off and clutch hers and run into the janitors closet, closing the door behind us.

"Woah, woah. I'm not a lesbian so don't start getting sexy with me," she warns. I literally face palm self and I sigh in exhaustion.

"What the hell is wrong you!? I don't even know you and you're handing me freaking sweets that could have drugs in them for all I know," I snap.

She starts grinning and places her right hand on heart and her left behind her. "The names Lana Val, under cover 007 agent of Riverdell High School HQ." She stands there very seriously and then burst out laughing. "Ok ok, I was just joking. The name is Lana though."

"I need you to answer this one question: Lana, what do you want from me?" I ask in a stern voice.

"Letting you know that every girl in the school, other than me, is eyeballing you. They have noticed that you have spending quite a lot of time with school playboy Zachery Parker," she announces. Oh sweet heaven, I really do hate everyone in this damn school

"Well thanks for that, now can you stop following me," I finish.

"Aw, now I'm upset. Now you don't wanna be besties," she smiles, mocking the girls in this school.

"Seriously?" I ask. "Can you not?" I don't want be rude or bitchy, I just need time.

"Wow you really are antisocial, meet me at the park tomorrow. See ya," before I have the chance to reject she zooms out of the closet and I don't see her for the rest day, and I'm very thankful.

The next day, school finishes and I find myself waiting for Lana at the damn park. Why the hell am I even here, why? Guess what, it's like 4 O'clock and she's still not here. I grab my bag and make my way home when I see her running towards me, flailing her arms at me. I seriously think she's on some drugs or something. I lean on a tree waiting for her, finally she is here but panting like a dog. "Sorry I'm late, I needed to get my skateboard," she holds up her battered, punk skateboard.

"Whatever, what are we doing then?" I ask coolly.

"The skate park, where else?" She jumps on her skateboard and rides ahead, leaving me to fall behind. Her icy blue and blonde hair is carried by the breeze.

The skate park was this huge indoor place filled with ramps and other apparatus. The walls were decorated with bright graffiti, there were still people spraying on them. What the hell am I going to do here, watch Lana enjoy her self? But somehow I feel pretty ok being here unlike other places. "Hey, stop spacing out!" Lana shouts, beckoning me over. I walk over and find her talking to some guy with a cigarette in his hand. "Dude, let's borrow your skateboard," she demands from him.

He looks at me then at Lana,"for what?" he grins evilly.

"Hayden, please just for today," she pleads.

"Ok then I'll get the condoms ready," he laughs, handing me the skateboard. I look at him with a scared face, but Lana's hand grabs the skateboard and holds it behind her back.

"Yeah, right, dream on sweetheart," Lana glares. Hayden carries on smoking his cigarette and talks to some other people. "Don't mind him, he used to be a sex addict, he jokes about it all the time," Lana reassures.

"I hope so," I say in a worried voice.

"I guess you haven't lost it yet," she mutters under her breath before she skates off.

"Excuse me!?" I scream at her, but all I get from her is a distance laugh.

I decide to ignore it and carry on with life. For a moment I consider leaving but I just sit at the side and watch Lana spin through the air on the ramp. She rides down the ramp and high fives someone, when she reaches the top she does a 360° spin in the air. Wow, she is actually really good. She walks over covered in sweat, grabs a water bottle and pours it all over her face. Suddenly she takes off her t-shirt and dries her face with it. I quickly cover my eyes. "Chill out, Kerry, I'm wearing a vest," she says laughing at me.

"Oh, I knew that, " I stutter miserably.

"Right get up! You aren't gonna learn anything standing there," she tells me.

"Actually-" she pulls me up and takes Hayden's skateboard.

"Okay today we're just going to learn the basics, like balance and pace," she says in a teacher voice. "Well, hop on!"

"I can't, I don't know how," I tell her.

She jut shrugs her shoulders,"Well, we better get started then, we don't have all day." Why am I even agreeing to this!?

As I step on to the skateboard, I slip immediately falling straight on my back. "Owww, the pain," I moan.

"Hurry up, get up and ignore the pain because there will be alot of it," she orders. What is this, training camp?

"Look, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't want this and I'm here because you made an arrangement I didn't agree too!" I rant, I feel only a little bit better though. I've just made things worse, I'm the weak one here.

"Well, this is your opportunity to leave if that's what you want," Lana says calmly, how can one smile like that all the time, it's so annoying.

I have no strength to leave, it will be just embarrassing. "Whatever," I set the skateboard and carefully place my feet on the board. For a few seconds I am balancing perfectly fine, then I am wobbling and falling again. I practise this over and over again, until I can ride a skateboard. Once again Lana is smiling and congratulating me for what I have achieved. "Yaass, Kerry can skate now," Lana broadcasts to the whole park. Everyone starts whistling and clapping, it's quite comforting actually.

It's been a long time since I've had that feeling of accomplishment. It feels good.

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