Chapter 6

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Steve's POV

I enjoyed our dinner. Feels like I'm on a real date not in a mission.
When we got back inside our room Natasha took her laptop and some wire and she attached her ring on it.
Turns out her ring has a camera in it.
"Wow" I whisper with amusement.
"Took some pictures earlier at the restaurant." She says.
She starts scanning the faces in her laptop.
"Very impressive how high-tech it is today. Did Stark develop that?" I asked.
"I don't know. ---I guess so..." she answers.
While the faces in the photos were still scanning she told me about what happen inside the rest room with Dr. Erskine.
"I smell something fishy going on." She says.
"I can sense that she's scared. Feels like she's been forced to do this." She added.
"You activated her tracker right?" I asked.
"Yeah. She's in her room." She says while she glance at her ipad.
"I texted Fury to check up on her fiancè." She continue.
"You think something happen to her fiancè?" I asked.
"Maybe.. I don't know."
I can see that Natasha sense that Dr. Erskine was threat to do what this people asked her to do. And she believe that her fiancè's life is at risk.
Her laptop flashes the result of the scanning. And Natasha read the results outloud.
"Dr. Arnold Dinkenber, a scientist who attempt hundred times to make the serum but failed. This is the man we encounter earlier with Helen."
Then she continue reading..
"Dr. Spritz Grant also a scientist who follow and develop Zolu's theory."
I intterupt.
She nodded. "Yes, Zolu. Zolu's theory."
Then I got a flashback of Zolu with red skull.
"Hydra." I mumble.
"What?!" She asks
"Zolu.. he's a german scientist who works with Red Skull." I murmur.
"Who's Red Skull?" She asks.
"He's the founder and leader of Hydra." I paused and close my eyes. Trying to remember how he died.
"He's dead. He was killed before I crashed." I added
I was quite confused of how Hydra still exist. So I keep recalling my memory.
"Hydra died when Red Skull died." I said with confidence.
"If this is Hydra then someone continue what he started.." She says.
"But S.H.I.E.L.D took Hydra down after he died. I read the old news papers."
"I guess that's what we need to find out , Steve."
She close her laptop.
"Okay, that's enough for today. We need to rest." She says quietly.
She went to the bathroom to change and I'm still sitting in the couch trying to remember everything from 1945.

Natasha's POV

I went inside the bathroom with my phone. I texted Fury again to report about our lead. Then I change to my black spaghetti strap nighties. When I open the door I saw Steve outside the balcony.

"What's wrong?" I asked
"Feels like it's starting over again." He says.
I don't know what else to say. I can see in his eyes that he's so worried of what could happen next.
I'm so cold, I'm only wearing my nighties and the wind won't stop blowing. I wish to go back inside but I don't like leaving him alone outside.
"We need to stop them. If this is Hydra." He says.
I walk towards him and hold his right hand. "That's why were here." I whisper.
He stare at my hand holding his hand.
"You're hand is cold." He says. Alarmed.
"It's freezing out here." I whisper.
My hand are still holding his.
He pull me close to him and he put his arms around me. He gave me a tight hug to warm me up.
"You're so cold." He says.
"Ye--ah!" I mumble.
When we got inside he took off his coat and he put it around me. Slowly and gently.
"To keep you warm." He says.
I was surprise and shock by his action. He was a true gentle man.

Steve POV

That's the first time I hug a woman that tight. I've never hugged someone like that before. Even Peggy. I was shocked by my actions.

Before releasing her body I gave her a stare that makes me want to kiss her. I don't know why I feel this way. But I hold back my feelings trying not to get a punch from her.

I went inside the bathroom to wash my face. When I got out she's still awake.
"Are you going to sleep?" She asks.
"Jez.. Nat!" I shrugged.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." She says.
"What are you doing?" I inquires softly when she grab a long pillow and starts to get up from bed.
"You sleep here. I'll take the couch." She insist.
"No.. I'm good. You stay and sleep here."
She sits up on the bed cross-legged.
"I don't really sleep, Rogers." She says.
"Trouble sleeping?" I asked her.
She stare at me blankly. And she close her eyes and told me about her nightmares.
"I have nightmares every night." She murmur.
I sat down beside her.
"You sleep well at the plane." I said.
She just smile. I tack her in bed and let her sleep before I rest my eyes in the couch.

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