Chapter 4: Jannie

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Jay's POV
    "Jay! Could you help me with Layla? Please Jay!" My wife, Lonnie shouted from the kitchen. I was giving Jaden, my 3 year old son, a bath when I heard Lonnie. She was cooking dinner and Layla, Jaden's twin sister, was pestering her.
    "Okay." I replied. I finished Jaden's bath and got him dressed into comfy clothes. I went to the kitchen and saw Layla sitting on the ground near the fridge.
    "Lonnie, why don't you give her a bath and I finish cooking?" I asked
    "Jay.... You nearly burnt down the house that one time... " Lonnie glared at me. I picked Layla up and brought her to the bathroom.
    I was soon done with her and got her into her comfy clothes as well. Lonnie called us to the kitchen where we sat and ate dinner.
    "Mama, dinner?" Layla asked. I smiled, that's her way of asking what's for dinner.
    "Chicken noodle soup." Lonnie smiled as well.
    Layla enjoyed her meal slowly, so did Lonnie, but my son takes more after his dad. Him and I ate pretty quick. Lonnie warned Jaden but he ignored. Classic JJ...
    The kids went to play in their bedroom and Lonnie and I cleared the table.
    "You tired? From tourney or the kids?" I asked worriedly, Lonnie's face was slightly pale.
    "I'm fine, just a little tired from the kids. A good night sleep would definitely help. Besides, tomorrow I'm bringing the kids to Ben and Mal's place for a playdate." Lonnie gave me a reply which I half-heartedly listened to. I did pick out the important points though.
    Soon, it was 9pm. "Layla! Jaden! Time to go to sleep. Tomorrow you get to see Marley and Bryan." Lonnie went into their bedroom. I followed. All four of us picked up the toys and cleaned the room.
    The twins climbed into their bunk bed, Layla on the top, Jaden on the bottom. Lonnie and I gave both of them their goodnight kiss and turned off the lights.
    Lonnie and I went to our bedroom. We lied on the beds and sighed. We cuddled under the covers. We watched a little TV before we slept. I leaned down to kiss Lonnie and saw that she was already asleep. I turned off the TV and felt my eyes flutter close.

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