Chapter 1- Look Alive Sunshine/ Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)

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Party Poison watched as Show Pony entered the abandoned restaurant, only occupied by the six rebels. He handed Dr. Death Defying a record with the infamous Killjoy spider printed onto it.

Dr. Death Defying, the handicapped host of a pirate radio station, spoke into the microphone to the invading ears of the Zones. "Look alive, sunshine. 1:09 in the sky but the pigs won't quit. You're here with me: Dr. Death Defying. I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter, pumpin' out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive. A system failure for the masses, anti-matter for the master plan. Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny. This one's for all of you rock'n'rollers, all you crash queens and motor babies.

"Listen up! The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary! It's time to do it now and do it loud! Killjoys, make some noise!" Immediately, Party's recorded voice started playing.

Kobra Kid patted his brother on the back. "C'mon, Party. As soon as Fun Ghoul finishes getting ready we're off to the Mad Gear And Missle Kid concert."

Party Poison looked behind them at their youngest member Missle Kid. Kobra Kid had found her on the streets; she had grown up in an exterminator family but had disgraced their name. Better Living was still trying to get her back to kill her.

Just as Kobra Kid said, as soon as Fun Ghoul finished getting geared up, they all got in the Trans-Am. They drove down the streets, careful not to alert any guards even though everyone knew who the Killjoys were. Still, they weren't going to let anyone ruin this night.


Cassie bobbed up and down on the balls of her feet, anxious for the concert to begin. It was her first time at a rebel concert- or even acting out against Better Living Industries. It felt so... dangerous. She didn't care though, even if she was never one to act out.

When the music started, though, she kept getting sucked into mosh pits. It was so loud and obnoxious; Cassie loved every second of it. It was way different than what she was used to in Battery City. There, everyone obeyed the rules no matter how much they hated them. Cassie hated Better Living Industries strongly, though.

Eventually she got so into the music that she joined the mosh pit, head-banging. She was so into it she accidentally smacked someone in the face. "Ow," the person said, and she turned to see who it was. He was about her age with brick red hair.

"I'm so sorry-" she started, but the guy only laughed.

"It's okay. I'm Party Poison," he said, holding out a hand, "but my friends call me Party."

She shook his hand, too formal for her after she'd been in the mosh pit. "I'm Cassie."

Party Poison gave her a skeptical look. "What's your rebel name?"

Cassie blinked twice, also confused. "What the hell is that?"

"Rebels can't use their real names or it would be too easy for Better Living to find us. You are a rebel, right?"

"Yes, I am. Well, I guess I am now. I've always been against BL/ind, but this is the first time I've acted out."She sighed. "It's hard to act out in Battery City."

Party Poison smiled and grabbed her wrist. "Come with me."


They took her to a restaurant, graffiti and concert flyers decorating the outside. Inside, a boy in roller-skates stood next to a man in a wheelchair. "That's Dr. Death Defying and Show Pony," Jet Star, one of the Killjoys, said to Cassie. Dr. Death Defying and Show Pony waved before going back to their work.

"Where do you guys sleep?" Cassie asked.

"The floor, usually. We don't stay long in one place."

"Why not?" The Killjoys and Cassie sat down in a booth.

"We're like sharks," Fun Ghoul explained. "We need to keep moving, or else Better Living will find us."

Party Poison looked at Cassie."Okay, now we need to give you a rebel name."

Cassie thought as the others brainstormed out loud. Finally, in the middle of their conversation, she announced, "Cyanide Murder."

Simultaneously, they looked at her. "How did you come up with that?"

Looking down at her hands, Cyanide explained, "Better Living is convicting me of murdering my parents- but it was them who did. And they used cyanide."

Party squeezed her hand. "Be thankful they didn't kill you."

Trying to lighten the mood and change the subject back, Fun Ghoul said, "Alright, Cyanide Murder. Let's get you a mask and ray gun. What color?"

Cassie- or Cyanide Murder, as she was now- looked up from her hands and announced, "Purple."

"Hey, Show Pony! You got any ray guns? Preferably purple."

He nodded and said, "I have one mask left." Jet Star took the gun and mask from him and handed it to Cyanide Murder.

"Welcome to the Fabulous Killjoys, Cyanide."

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