Epilogue- Goodnite, Dr. Death

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Cyanide Murder had teary eyes, as anyone could guess. The only thing that made this time different than the others was the fact that she wasn't the only one crying. Everyone was crying- even the strongest members of the Fabulous Killjoys were crying as they stared down at their lost friend's corpse. He had been more than a member, though. To Cyanide, he'd been a lover. To the others, he had been a brother.

It had been a few days since the deadly battle of Battery Towers. Thankfully- and surprisingly- they had only lost one dear Killjoy that night. Fun Ghoul, Missile Kid, Dr. Death Defying, Show Pony, and Cyanide Murder were still fighting- and, not to mention, winning, too.

While the firefight was taking place, Dr. Death Defying and Show Pony had invaded the pill factory, disrupting their pill making in some way that was left untold. After that, they'd gotten a few people to become rebels. Most were sent off to other groups, but one was a new addition to the Fabulous Killjoys.

Her name was Katelyn, though she was currently deciding on a rebel name inside the restaurant.

That's another thing; they ended up back at the restaurant they had found camp at a few weeks ago. It was left untouched, and when they returned, it was still untouched. So they decided to bury Party Poison a few miles away and set up their camp at the restaurant for a few days again.

"Cyanide?" said Fun Ghoul, who had been standing beside her. They wore their usual clothes instead of the traditional black attire; what would be a rebel funeral if their clothing went against the rebel promise of  color and creativity?

"Yeah, Fun Ghoul?" Cyanide Murder answered.

"Do you need to say anything to him before we bury his body?" You could tell he was on the verge of tears; it was written on his face, with the truth in his eyes.

Cyanide nodded, making her way over to the body. It lay in a coffin they made out of scrap metal, though it didn't have a top to it,

She bent down next to him, staring at his closed eyes. There were so many words running around in her head, but they were stuck on her tongue. The tears didn't hold themselves back, though.

Finally she was able to speak. "Bye, Party."

That was it; no, "I love you" or an "I'll miss you". All she could get out was "bye" as she stared down at his body.


The Killjoys were back in the restaurant after burying the corpse. Their newest Killjoy sat in the booth, still brainstorming her rebel name. Fun Ghoul sipped his coffee, watching as Dr. Death Defying sat in front of his radio gear, speaking to his pirate station's audience:

"Alright, Children; the lights are out and the party's over. It's time for me, Doctor D, to start running and say goodbye- for a little while. And I know you're gonna miss me, so I'll leave you with this: You know that big ball of radiation we call the sun? Well, it'll burst you into flames if you stay in one place too long. That is if the static don't get you first. So remember even if you're dusted, you may be gone, but out here in the desert your shadow lives on without you. This is Dr. Death Defying signing off."

Then came a tune familiar to Fun Ghoul; it was the old nation's national anthem. It was being played due to the old nation was being reborn. They would be united again- the United States.

"I've got it!" yelled Katelyn excitedly. Everyone's attention was focused on her, and once Fun Ghoul really looked at her, he saw something familiar. Her strawberry blond hair had sparked his interest immediately the first time he'd seen her, but her green eyes held a familiarity. "My rebel name is... Adrenaline Undead!"

Cyanide nodded, attempting at a smile. "Welcome to the Fabulous Killjoys, Adrenaline Undead."

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