Chapter 11- The Only Hope For Me Is You

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Cyanide Murder slipped into her boots for what could possibly be the last time.

They had prepared themselves over the course of a few days and were now ready to invade Battery Towers. Chances were, Better Living would be prepared, but the Killjoys would do anything to get their beloved Party Poison back.

Especially Cyanide Murder, who paced impatiently as Fun Ghoul made some last minute preparations.

"Can you hurry up?" she asked. Missile Kid was watching her movements, face-paced and ready for action. She'd hardly gotten any sleep last night, but she was more alive than ever.

"Goddammit, you say that every five seconds." Fun Ghoul turned around. Despite his annoyance, he was slightly smiling.

It was a happy day considering the fact that they were about to get themselves killed.

Fun Ghoul signaled them to follow him to a grey car. It wasn't the Trans Am; he had probably stolen it to disguise them, although it wouldn't be a disguise for long. Once they got out of the car, they were exposed to the exterminators and Draculoids.

Cyanide watched out the window as they passed the citizens. Little children walked silently to school; adults with hard glares and forced smiles made their way to work; teenagers didn't even exchange glances.

She exhaled, angered by the majority of society these days, and looked at the road in front of them- the road that lead the way to save her love.


"You would be somewhere safe."

"I'm not the safe kind of person."

Party Poison shook his head. Those words had been echoing in his head for days, though he didn't know what they meant. He had no idea what and when they were from, either. All he did know was that a girl had said the first set of words, him the second. Why didn't he remember the conversation then?

Lately his thoughts had been confusing him. However, he didn't tell Korse in fear that he'd be disappointed, and Party never wanted to disappoint him.

The red siren's flashing and shrieking pulled Party from his deep thinking. Korse immediately came into the room, throwing a ray gun at him. "It's time," he said.

Party's insides jumped and a smile teased at his lips. He took the ray gun excitedly, following Korse out of the room and down the hallway. A few of the Draculoids bumped into his shoulder as they ran ahead of them into the main office. Party Poison was glad he didn't need to rush; he could save his energy for the fight.

They entered the main office casually. There the firefight had already started. The three Fabulous Killjoys obviously hadn't a clue what they got themselves into; they were up against over a dozen Draculoids plus some of the greatest exterminators. As a bonus to Better Living Industries, Katsumi Miharu, the head of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W division, was also fighting. There was no way the Killjoys could win against this.

Party Poison looked around the room until his eyes settles on the Fabulous Killjoys, the center of the fight. He saw then saw the little girl they were after; her brown hair was in a helmet, green eyes filled with fear. Despite her alarm, she fought against Better Living.

Party Poison wondered if what he was fighting for was right. Immediately he shook his head, erasing the thought from his mind. Of course it's right.

The next person he noticed was a petite woman, around his age. She had black hair down to the small of her back and cerulean eyes that caught him in a daydream. He escaped from it rather quickly, but not as quickly as he'd hoped. A ray of light flew past him; he was lucky it hadn't hit him.

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