Chapter 7- Sing

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Slogans flickered through Party's mind: The Aftermath Is Secondary; Keep Smiling; Everything Is Perfect; Building A Better You; We Can Fix You; Love Is A Pill; We Can Handle It From Here.

The enemy. He knew they were watching them, that they were prepared for their coming. What was about their ability and reaction. One wrong move...

Goodbye, Cyanide.

He knew he would die, but at least he had the courage to. Sure, why not die? he had thought to himself as they left they building early this morning.

When the exterminators looked up from their newspapers and grabbed their ray guns, he knew they had gotten themselves so far into the deep end this time that they would drown in their wrong doing. However, he kept speeding towards the gate, laser beams coming toward his face.


Cyanide sat up, refreshed from her deep sleep, and noticed Party Poison was gone. Had he already woken? She didn't hear any voices or footsteps, though. Had she missed something?

Slowly she walked downstairs, but only saw Dr. Death near his equipment. He leaned back, headphones around his neck. He adjusted his wheelchair to face her. When Jet Star was alive, he had said he was a veteran of the Helium Wars.

"You're up," he said casually.

"Where's Party?" she said instantly. "And Fun Ghoul?"

"They went to infiltrate Better Living and get Missle Kid back."

She was angry- and worried. Cyanide exhaled and said, "Why hadn't they taken me? Don't they think I'm good enough?"

"No, they don't think that. Party didn't want you to get hurt. Here"- he held out a piece of paper scribbled with words- "he told me to give you this."

She nodded and quietly walked back upstairs to read the note in private.

Cyanide, it read, You're mad at me for leaving you behind right now; I know. You're also worried. Don't be. We will make it back- I promise you. I don't want to loose you, so I went with Fun Ghoul alone.

You're sleeping right now, and will be when I leave for my death sentence. I love you. If I don't come back, if I seize to breathe anymore, I want you to move on. After all, I was just another soul hellbent on keeping this world alive.

Just bury me and move on.

Take care of Missle Kid. And Fun Ghoul- he can be unpredictable. Dr. Death Defying will guide you and Show Pony will send and retrieve your messages- the 2019 version of e-mail.

This world is ugly and filled with lies. Make it beautiful again for me, please. Revive this world to what it once was and make a difference. Bring back New Jersey gardens, Arkansas farms, and bring back those feelings.

Stay shiny.



A tear streamed from her left eye. They all knew the truth: After this all that would be left of the Fabulous Killjoys would be the injured Dr. Death Defying, the human messenger Show Pony, possibly the young Missle Kid, and the amateur Cyanide Murder. Soon after there won't be anything left of the Killjoys.

It was all her fault, but there was hardly any time to dwell on that thought. She needed to save them- and, most importantly, the world.


They definitely knew the Killjoys were here now; their entrance hadn't been exactly low key.

They had found Missle Kid in the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W facility. The  were lucky the Draculoids were too stupid to respond right away and that no supervisor was there at the time. A shot to the head and their road to the child was smooth. The only fault now was that the way home wasn't the same; blood would be shed.

Party Poison looked at Missle Kid. Even if they died tonight, he hoped she would get to safety. That WAS what they were here for today anyway.

He pulled his gun, sensing exterminators coming their way. But they were so close to the exit! He knew it would be useless to run; they would probably get some Dracs and exterminators out there too.

He turned to shoot and caught a glimpse of a familiar looking exterminator. He couldn't look now; the Dracs were closing in on them.

He went behind one and pulled the mask off, the gun pointed at their back. As the Drac fell, he recognized the Afro like it was his own face- even if most of it was shaved off. It was Ray- or Jet Star as he was now commonly referred as.

After a moment of shock, he started shooting again. Soon after he was pushed against  the wall by an unknown force. Dropping the mask, he saw it was Kobra Kid. This was not the brother he knew and loved, though; his hair was dyed black and cut short. He wore all white and a menacing smile.

"Mikey?" Party said.

"You are not the brother I once had. You are not Gerard; you are an outlaw who is in the way off my happiness. Exterminate you, I must."

"Mikey, listen to me. You are still there. You play the bass and love Iron Maiden. And your favorite color is blue and- and you love to read books and you absolutely love unicorns. You are there, I know it. You were our band's spiritual adviser, you are my amazing brother."

Though he blinked twice, he put the gun to his chin and said, "None of your gibberish makes a difference to me. Exterminate."

"I love you, Mikey."

He closed his eyes.


Cyanide shrugged on her jacket and grabbed her ray gun as well as a few knives- things were bound to get bloody in Battery Towers. Did they have a normal gun- and a lot of ammunition? She bit her nails, staring at the staircase that led downstairs. Would Dr. Death stop her from going if she asked? Had Party Poison asked him to keep her safe? She wouldn't doubt it.

Finally she decided not to ask; it wasn't worth the risk of getting locked up somewhere she couldn't escape. She decided to go without it after searching the attic even though her chances of surviving would be slimmer.

What about her way there? She could walk, but a rebel walking around Battery City never has a good ending. Though she was in a deserted area right next to the headquarters. It was very possible that she could get there if she was very quiet.

Cyanide opened the window, looking down. Her fear of heights wasn't helping now; this was her only way out of the building now. She closed her eyes and slowly put her legs out. Just jump, she thought. And so she did.

She heard a scream and landed on someone's leg. She looked and saw it was Fun Ghoul with Missle Kid. Her eyes widened as she smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks for falling on me," he said.

"Sorry," she said, standing up. "I was just coming to save you guys- or at least help you out. And thanks for leaving me out."

"It's Party! He never gives in once he's determined."

She looked around. "Where is he?"

He swallowed and shook his head. "He's dead. Mikey killed him."

She felt the need to cry again. Dead, she thought. Of course he is. "Who's Mikey? I want to behead that bitch."

He slowly stood up. "I meant Kobra Kid. Sorry, he reminded me when the world was normal."

She looked down at her feet. She was too late to save them.

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