Chapter 2- Planetary (Go!)

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Korse looked up at one of the Draculoids, crumbing a poster of one of the Fabulous Killjoys. "Why haven't you found them yet!" he exclaimed, pushing the Drac against the wall.

He let the piece of paper fall to the floor as he reached for his gun. He shot the Draculoid's stomach and let his body fall to the floor. Still angry but not remorseful, Korse continued down the hallway to the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W facility.


Cyanide Murder woke in the early morning, her back stiff from sleeping on the desert floor. Party Poison was next to her, still asleep. He snored lightly. They had developed a strong friendship over the past few weeks. She shook him softly and whispered, "Wake up."

He groaned. "Why can't I sleep?"

"Because we're going to fight the Dracs today!" It was Cyanide's first time fighting, but she knew the Killjoys had trained her well; you don't practice continuously for days and not gain any skill.

Party groaned again. "I don't want to," he murmured.

Jet Star, who had been busy eating that disgusting kibble they ate all the time, said, "No; you just don't want to see Cyanide hurt."

"Because you love her!" Fun Ghoul joined in.

Party Poison sat up and looked at Cyanide with slitted eyes, then at Fun Ghoul. "I do not."

Cyanide looked down at her hands, blushing. Even if he liked her or not, he was beautiful- even with the grease and dirt.

Having already eaten and prepared herself earlier, Cyanide watched the others. Missle Kid happily sang along to the radio while she was waiting.

Fun Ghoul stomped on the fire and scattered the remains; they couldn't leave any clues to where they were heading. If the Dracs or exterminators- or worse, Korse- found out, they'd die instantly. Then they;d never complete their mission and Better Living would win.....

By the time everyone was ready, Cyanide Murder was lost deeply in thought. It took Kobra Kid to smack her on the back of her head for her to come back to the dreaded reality. "Are you coming or not?" he said.

She nodded and followed the rest of the Fabulous Killjoys for one of the worst days of their lives.


Party Poison walked through the deserts of Zone 6, Cyanide Murder by his side. She gripped her ray gun tightly, prepared for battle. Party really didn't want to see her hurt- or even worse, killed. She was an amateur; if she was on her own, Cyanide wouldn't know what to do.

"Are you okay?" she said. "You look angry."

He looked at Cyanide. Her blue eyes gleamed energetically, black hair blowing fiercely in the wind. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous."

"I never thought you could get nervous. You're always so strong, Party."

He exhaled. "Only on the outside. Inside, I'm as weak as a twig." Party Poison looked down at his feet as the continued forward. "I just don't show it very often."

Cyanide nodded, looking forward. Her jaw dropped at something in front of them. What did she see? Knowing that she was from Battery City, it could be anything.

Jet Star, who had been leading them, stopped suddenly and muttered, "Oh, shit." When Party looked up, there were three Dracs lead by Korse. He smiled venomously, holding up his white ray gun. Party Poison held his chin high, careful not to show how afraid he really was.

It's nothing, he reassured himself. We'll win.

He wasn't so sure of it, though.

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