Chapter 4- Summertime

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For the past few days, Party Poison had been more depressed than he would usually be. Cyanide knew it was due to his brothers death; they had been best friends and the closest brothers she'd ever seen.

Fun Ghoul looked at Cyanide. "He's never been like this as long as I've known him- and we've known each other basically our whole lives."

"I can tell, and I've only known him for a week or two," she said.

Cyanide sighed knowing there wasn't anything she could do about it. Time heals all wounds. Then again, she thought, some wounds can't be healed.

A week later, Party's attitude still hadn't changed. They had no idea what to do because neither of them had known someone who had gone like this. So Fun Ghoul went to find Dr. Death Defying while Cyanide stayed with Party.

She wished she would have gotten the easier job; keeping Party alive isn't as easy as you'd think.


Party was curled up in a ball, planning his revenge on Better Living Industries. No one hurts his little brother. No one.

But they did. Now he was gone, along with Jet Star. Who would be next? Fun Ghoul, Dr Death Defying, Show Pony- hell, Cyanide could be next. If they hurt Cyanide, though, he would definitely kick their ass. He felt protective of her; he had found her, a confused girl at a rebel concert. He had brought her in, taught her the Fabulous Killjoy ways and how to fight.

Right now, though, she was "taking care" of him, as she and Fun Ghoul put  it. Supposedly, he couldn't fend for himself.

"Party?" Cyanide said.


"How did you find the Killjoys?"

"We always knew each other. After the 2012 apocalypse, we got separated for little bit... until something bad happened to each of us."

"Such as...?"

Party shook his head. At first he didn't want to talk about it- but he had held it in for so many years. Maybe it will relieve my stress, he thought. He sighed and said, "A year after the apocalypse, Better Living Industries killed my daughter."

"You had a daughter?"

"Basically. I had adopted her and took her in. That's why I was so depressed about loosing Missile Kid; she reminded me of her." He unwillingly reminisced about strawberry blond hair and bright green eyes.

Tears threatened at the memory of Katelyn. Normally he wouldn't cry around others, but he felt like he could blurt out his whole life story right in front of her.


Cyanide Murder shook her head. "Why do they do these things?" She was talking to the sky, mentally praying for a miracle. Around them it was dark with the greyest clouds she'd ever seen in her

"I refused to take those dreaded pills that rid you of feeling and creativity."

She looked at him. He had stood up to be next to her. Winds blew his electric red hair, which made Cyanide afraid they would get caught in a sandstorm.

"I would die without creativity," Cyanide said.

"And with Better Living around, you can die because of creativity." Party was looking into her eyes. "I used to be scared, I used to be afraid of death. Now all I'm scared of is loosing the ones I love."

The world swirled around Cyanide. It felt like a dream- but why? It wasn't, she knew. She knew why in a second's notice.

Slowly, Party leaned in. Paralyzed, she didn't move. When their lips met, it was something like a firework show: her heart was racing because she had been anxiously waiting for this moment, though she didn't know she had been. Then it had happened and she was appalled at the beauty of it.

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