-11- I Think I Love You... But You Kind of Scare me

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Sorry this took FOREVER to get up! I started school again, and I'm being rained with homework (so unfair!!!!!!!!!)

But I have about a million ideas filling up my head at the moment! So hopefully I can get them down on here!

If you have any opinion on my story or any ideas, then PLEASE tell me :DD

xoxo erin;


The sky outside had darkened from a bright blue to a stormy grey.

As I ran across the rickety bridge, my heart was pounding. I couldn't believe I'd gotten that close... that close to laying my lips on his. It made me tremor. As I ran across the bridge, I felt it shirt unsteadily under my weight.

I froze in a state of panic.

From the other side, I could see one of the knots of string unravel in front of my very eyes. I gave a scream as I stood and watched it. I was too frozen with shock to do a thing. My heart was racing, and my palms were slick with sweat as they gripped onto the rope. I was too shocked to move.

I started to take a step just as the bridge snapped. I gave a scream as the bridge began to fall from one side. Soon I was dangling from the rope, my arms aching from the effort of keeping myself in the air. I knew it was no use, as my palms began to slide slowly and painfully down the rope. I may as well let go of the rope.

I squeezed my eyes shut, then slowly began to let go. As soon as my fingers let go of the thick rope, a series of flashing images passed though my mind.

Mum, pictures of Dad, Jack and Kane on the train, Ben on the stairs, Sasha the first time we met, the Reaper, Marlow, dancing with Ezra, being inches from Ezra and finally a mass of black feathers. I realised though, as I neared the bottom, neared my instant death, that the black wings weren't in head.

Rough hands scooped me from the air and snatched me away. My heart thumped as I shot upwards into the air and headed to the flight tower. I wasn't sure who or what had saved me, but I didn't care. By the time we reached the flight tower, my eyes were wet with tears. I felt my body being dropped suddenly to the course wooden floor, then heard the sound of someone slumping heavily on the ground.

I sat up, and gasped. It was certainly the dark angel I had seen the other night. It's huge wings were spread out and still beating softly, climbing grotesquely out of the angel's back. The angel's face was hidden, but I could see that it's hair was a large mop of black, like it's wings. I gasped when I saw the pool of blood that was forming under the angel.

I slowly crawled over to it and flipped the angel softly onto his back.

The angel was Kane.

A large cut was running over his bare chest and two more deep scratches on his face. One of his arms was slumped and lay in an odd position. I could tell it was dislocated from the time I myself had dislocated my shoulder. But the thing I noticed the most was the cold sweat and paleness of his body. The look of being absolutely drained.

"Kane!" I cried, crawling closer and ignore the blood and gushing wounds, "Kane! Wake up!"

His eyes did not stir, nor did he show any signs of awakening. I reached down and heaved Kane onto my lap and sat cross legged with his head on my thigh. There wasn't much I could do. I tried to at least clean his face. I took off my singlet, feeling my already chilled skin freeze. I began to mop up the blood coming from his cuts, then placed the messy bundle onto the biggest cut on his chest and applying as much pressure as I could onto it.

Next, I decided to cry for help. Surely Ezra would have heard my screams, perhaps he was just stunned when I pushed away from him.

"Help! Help! Somebody help!" I screamed, "Please, somebody help!"

I Think I Love You... But You Kind of Scare me (The Academy Series)Where stories live. Discover now