-14- I Think I Love You... But You Kind of Scare me

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I spent the rest of the weekend in a lopsided way. Kissing Jack had resulted in me feeling like I was on Cloud 9. On the other hand, his abruptness had affected me more then I had expected.

"I want to tell you something... but I don't know how," he had said, giving me a melancholic look. I had asked him what he had meant twice, before he quickly snapped and replied with a short and curt, "Not now Laurie,"

When school arrived again on Monday, I wasn't all too sure where I stood with him. Was this going to be like Ben all over again?

More over, the subject of Kane was bugging me. I hadn't seen him since the incident in the flight tower, and I was seriously worried about his well being. But he was back at school on Tuesday, without saying a word to me or anyone else for that matter. I confronted him on his way to the library.

"Kane!" I called, amazed at how fast he could walk. He stopped abruptly and turned. He had an angry look in his eyes that made me freeze over.

"What," he spat. I gulped, looking down at the ground and feeling like a little kid. When I looked up, his brow had softened but only slightly.

"I.... I...." I stumbled over my words as his gaze pierced through me like the single beam of a torch through darkness. He took a step forward, touch my flushed face with his cold fingertips.

It was an instant relief, yet the heat on my cheeks heightened as he began to run his hand down my face and across my lips agonisingly. He then stepped forward, his chest brushing against mine and sending shivers down my spine. He breathed on my neck, the contrast between hot breath and cold fingers made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Continue," he breathed, running cold lips against the nape of my neck. I gasped a little, realising I had been holding my breath.

"I... want to know about the other night," I whispered quickly, not wanting the sensation of him being so close to me to end. This wasn't right. Wasn't I supposed to be head over heels in love with Jack? But... I wanted Kane. I wanted him so badly. It was weird, but it just felt right.

He pulled away, as if hearing my thoughts and disliking them.

"I'm happy for you and my brother, at least now you'll get over your little school girl crush for me," he spat, stalking out of the library aisle. I couldn't just stand there and take it, as a tear escaped from my eye.

I had to retaliate.

"How could I ever love anyone like you, you freak!" I cried, before storming out of the library and heading for the nearest toilets, shielding my weeping eyes from passing strangers. As I arrived in the cold bathroom, my school shoes echoing on the tiles of the room, I burst into full flooding tears. I crashed against a tiled wall and sunk to the floor, crying into my lap.

Why did everything feel so wrong?


"Okay, today we're going to have battles," grinned Ezra, sliding out from the chair he was sitting on and jumping onto his desk. I noticed he'd been avoiding any eye contact with me for a while, and it bothered me a lot.

Harry gave a little gasp when he saw Maya's huge grin peel across her face, her palm opening to reveal a fireball. Ezra, for once, totally ignored this revelation.

"So I've paired you up for battles, mixing it around a little. Everyone will get a turn, don't worry," smiled Ezra at everything BUT me. He paused, "so first up we have Harry and Maya,"

"Easy," laughed Maya, leaping into the air with her lean legs and landing perfectly, as Harry clumsily rose to the occasion. The stepped in front of each, then took a few steps back until they were a couple feet away from each other. Ezra smiled and laughed again, but jumped off the desk and over to the wall, leaning against it cautiously.

I Think I Love You... But You Kind of Scare me (The Academy Series)Where stories live. Discover now