- whipped cream -

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"Really?" You asked, laughing as Finn reached for the whipped cream in the fridge.

"Yes really." He squirted a shit ton of it into his mouth. You started to laugh really hard.

"I don't think I've ever seen someone eat so much whipped cream in my life."

Finn swallowed it all and wiped the leftover cream off of his face. "Well then the people you know are no fun." Finn said. "Try some."

He comes at you with the bottle and you shake your head.

"Gross. I don't want any of that." You back away.

"C'mon, you know you want it." Finn gets closer to you and waves the bottle in your face.

"Noooo!" You yell, laughing. "Finn, stop!"

He pushed you against the table and now you can't move.

"Open wide, y/n!" He teases. "Or else I'll smother it all over your face."

"Finn, no!" You were laughing hysterically at this point and then you heard the sound of the whipped cream coming out of the can.

Soon you realized that it was literally all over your face.

"Finn, I swear to god I'm going to kill you." You give him the evil look and he just laughs.

"Want me to help you get it off?" He asks, smirking.

"Oh no, definitely not. You're gonna get it when I get all this shit off my face."

You go to the bathroom and wipe all the whipped cream off your face with a towel. When you come out, you see Finn on his phone in the dining room.

I should sneak up on him, you thought.

You quietly tiptoe down the hall and then attack Finn by grabbing his waist with your hands and pulling him backwards.

"Holy shit! You scared me." Finn said.

"That's kinda the point. Now, how do you plan on making it up to me for smearing that nasty stuff all over my face?" You ask.

"You know you liked it."

"I'm pretty sure I hated it.

Finn laughs. "Okay, okay. I'll uh, I'll make you pizza for dinner?"

You raise an eyebrow.

"Fine. And ice cream for dessert." He says.


"And cuddles afterwards."

"Yes!" You say, kissing him on the cheek.

"It's time to get working then."

(I just realized that this could be interpreted really sexually oOpS I'm not like that)

Finn Wolfhard Imagines  Where stories live. Discover now