- i wanted you (au) pt. 2 -

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(This is the final part y'all, of this imagine not the whole book)

Your POV

"That was great. I really think it'll work in the play. Now that we've gotten used to making out in weird places I think we'll shoot the scene well." You say, pulling away from Wyatt.

"Was it good? I'm glad. It feels weird kissing girls." He says, scratching his head.

"I get it. This school really needs an LGBT based play or musical. That's be a hell of a way for you to come out, don't you think?"

"That's a great idea. Well, I mean, all my friends know. Just not my parents. I think I'm gonna go ask if we can make that happen in the future. See you at rehearsal?" Wyatt says.

"Definitely! See ya." As you're walking towards the exit you step on something. You look down and see a few roses, a card, and some chocolate.

You pick up the card. The envelope says "y/n."

"What the-"

You open the card and read it.

"To you, y/n. I've noticed you for much longer than we've known each other. I always thought you were so beautiful. It took me forever to even speak to you. But I wanna know something. Will you be my valentine? Love, Finn."

You instantly freak out. The rumors were true. He was going to ask you out. You pick up everything off the ground and rush to his first class. Sure, you'd be late to yours, but this is important.

You know he has gym first. You head as fast as you could to the gym and you see him walking out of the boys' locker room. You run towards him.

"Finn! I need to talk to you!" You shout.

He turns around and his face is completely red. He's got tears coming out of his eyes. He looks broken. Oh no...

"The gifts don't matter anymore." He says.

"Yes they do! You don't get it! Did you even see who I was making out with?"

"Why does it matter."

"It was Wyatt!"

"Wyatt? Isn't he-,"

"Yes! We were practicing for the play. We have a kiss scene but he doesn't know how to kiss girls."


"Finn," you hold his hand and move closer. "I like you."

"Y-you do?" He asks, his voice shaky.

"Yes." You smile. "I really do."

Finn says nothing, so you pull him into a deep kiss.

Finn smiles. "I'm so happy you found me here."

"I'm happier. I really like you, Finn."

"Ditto, y/n."

Finn Wolfhard Imagines  Where stories live. Discover now