- whoops -

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Even though you have to get up super early, days on the Stranger Things set with Finn are always crazy fun.

You only go once in a while because some days can get a little boring depending on the different scenes that are being filmed.

Today they were filming the last episode of season 3, so it was a big day.

"Hey, Noah, where's the nearest restroom?" You ask Noah in between a scene.

"That trailer right behind you has a pretty good one, no one ever uses it."


As you head into the trailer, you hear a very familiar voice yell, "WHOA UM OCCUPIED."

When you peer around the corner you find your boyfriend very scared and uh, very naked.

When you see him, you just burst into laughter.

"Not funny Y/n." Finn says.

"Oh it's so funny! You thought it was someone else who was gonna walk back here and see you ass naked."


"Babe, come on. First of all, I think you look great naked. But uh, why are you?" You ask as Finn covers up his lower body with a towel.

"What, nothing." Finn said walking out of the hallway and going to put his clothes back on.

"That did not answer my question babe." You say, following him.

"I wasn't doing anything in here."

"That's not what I asked you." You laugh. "Why are you so embarrassed to tell me babe I'm your wife."

Finn rolls his eyes and sighs. "You know, men get weird sometimes. Especially when their wives are so sexy and they can't touch them because they're at work and they have to be professional."

You push Finn onto the couch in the trailer and kiss him all over his face and neck, sitting right on his lap.

"You know it's a real shame you have to be professional right now." You whisper in his ear.

Finn shivers. "W-why's that babe,"

"Cuz women can feel weird sometimes too."

(WHOA what even is this um anyways yeah I'm back y'all 💕)

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