- i missed you -

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"Finn!" I yell, waving my hand back and forth as I see him walking towards me in the airport.

He's been gone for a week in Europe for photoshoots (damn his good looks) and it's sucked without him.

He smiles really big and starts walking really fast to get to you.

"Babe!" He drops his suitcase and scoops you up in his arms.

"I missed you so so much," you say, holding into him by the shoulders.

He turns your head and kisses you.

"I missed you more. Every night, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." He picks up his suitcase and rolls it in one hand, his other hand holding yours.

"Me too. I barely slept. But I'm so happy that you're home. You must be starving though, right?"

"Yes. And exhausted. Jet lag is a bitch. But let's eat first. There's a sandwich place coming up. It's not that great but I am absolutely starving." He laughs.

"Well lets get you some food. You could use it anyways," you joke, playfully hitting him in the stomach.

"Hey!" He said.

"I'm joking, of course. You're perfect." You say, moving closer to him.

"You're more perfect, y/n."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Pshh, liar."

"I'm not lying!"

"Whatever. Go get your sandwich, weirdo."

Finn Wolfhard Imagines  Where stories live. Discover now