- the worst of all the fights -

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"God fucking damnit! Finn! Get your ass in here!"

Yes, this is a fight. And not a pretty one.

"What is it now, y/n? We just finished fighting yesterday." Finn says, walking into the bedroom.

"Why the fuck... am I seeing pictures on Twitter of you and fucking Jack sharing a juul?" You yell, your eyes already filled with tears.

Finn rolls his eyes. "Oh, you saw those."

"Yeah. I fucking saw those. And the best part is that they were taken today! Today, Finn! When you told me that you were at band practice. You're out fucking smoking!"

"It's technically not smoking-,"

"Oh, fuck off, Finn! I just got through yelling at you. You slept on the fucking couch last night. Have you not got the memo, or what?" You say, getting up off the bed to face Finn directly.

"You know what, maybe I'm tired of having a fucking mom for a girlfriend! Maybe I want to make my own choices!" Finn yells without any regard that he has deeply hurt you by his actions.

"One thing. One thing that I tell you not to do, and you can't even fucking follow that. It's incredibly disrespectful, Finn."

"Oh shut the fuck up, y/n. I don't get why it's such a big deal to you."

Your gut churns at Finn's last sentence. At this point, you're just done.

"Yeah, well. I don't get why I'm moving into the house with you. You can't fucking listen to me and you lie to me. So, I'm not moving with you. I'll just go back to the states, I guess." You go to walk out of the room but Finn stops you.

"No, y/n! Please, you can't fucking leave me! You can't leave me! Please, fucking please!" He grabs hold of your arm but you just shake him off you and head for the living room.

"Y/n! Are you listening to me?" Finn is screaming at this point, his voice cracking and giving out.

"Why the fuck should I listen to you? You don't listen to me!" You yell back.

"You want to know why? You want to fucking know why, y/n?"

"Yes, I'm leaving you anyways, so you might as well say it." You say, crying loudly.

"Because I want to fucking marry you someday! We're too young now, but the house is just a stepping stone. I've gone through women, y/n. Women who I thought were my true loves. Small flings. Full on whores. But you, y/n, you're fucking special. You are someone that I see and I think, wow, I could spend the rest of my life with her. I need to spend the rest of my life with her. With you. I'm an absolute idiot for what I did. I sure as hell won't do it again. I mean it. After this, I'll never look at any of those things the same. I'll remember this fight and I'll never touch it. We're moving tomorrow, y/n. Please don't leave me. I want to marry you."

You involuntarily come to a sob, your body just collapsing you into your knees and your head in your hands as you scream and cry happy and sad tears mixed into one.

Finn comes over to comfort you. He's crying too.

"Baby? You gotta answer me," he pleads, wrapping you up in his arms.

"I- I,"

"You what, baby?"

"I wanna marry you too."

Finn Wolfhard Imagines  Where stories live. Discover now