- you get hate -

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(TW: suicide implication)
Dating Finn is amazing, of course, and for the most part his fans are nice to you. But when they're not, it sucks.

Sometimes, your twitter feed looks like this:

"Y/n and Finn are couple goals!! 😍"

"Omg can I be you ?? @y/t/n"

"We love you, y/n!"

But some days, like today, your feed looks like this:

"Y/n isn't even that pretty. Why is Finn dating her?"

"Y/n ruined Fillie and she shouldn't even be here."

"Y/n should honestly just kill herself because nobody even likes her."

You told Finn that you weren't feeling well and you've been in bed all day just laying here, looking at your phone. You know that you shouldn't, but you do anyways.

You're not a big crier, but a few tears managed to escape your eyes. Sure enough, Finn walks in just as you're wiping your eyes.

"Oh my god. You're crying." He rushes beside you. "What happened?"

"Just- twitter. The fans. I don't know." You say weakly.

"Let me see." You hand Finn your phone and he scrolls through the tweets. His face looks disgusted.

"I'm so tired of this bullshit. Come here, baby. It's ok, it's gonna be ok." He pulls you close and you lay with your head rested against his chest.

"I'm gonna take care of this, babe. Don't worry about it anymore. I love you." Finn kisses your cheek and cuddles you.

Later he sent out this tweet:

"If anyone has anything but nice things to say about my beautiful and amazing girlfriend, don't you dare call yourself a fan."

What a boyfriend, there's no one better than Finn.

Finn Wolfhard Imagines  Where stories live. Discover now