I am from

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I am from baking Christmas cookies

and writing to Santa

from hot summer days

eating ice cream on the porch

I am from baby dolls, teddy bears, and dollhouses

from trying to ride a pogo stick

and falling on my face

I am from a sister who is always there

and a brother who really cares

from a protective mother

and an easy going father

I am from long trips to Tennessee

and getting sick on my first trip to Disney

from dogs who tackle me when I walk through the door

and fights with my siblings

I am from heartbreak

and picking up the pieces

from not leaving my room

and not wanting to talk

I am from friends abandoning me

and I would rather read than socialize

from music up too loud

and creating a world of fantasy to dry my tears

I am from Easter egg hunts in the rain

and cook outs with my family

from picking strawberries to make into jam

and where being the youngest sucks

I am from country music

playing around the house

from a smart alec brother

who cant shut his mouth

I am from sweet dreams

and good mornings

from loving parents

and helping hands

I am from best friends moving away|

and going from Springfield to Dayton just to see her

from band, choir, and sports

to lounging in front of the TV

I am from a loving home

and the love of being alone

from a wonderful family

and a place I will always know

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