Chapter 15

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You are Mine Now...
Chapter 15
Haru's POV

I never knew the palace looked so beautiful during the day until I found myself looking out of the window for a nearly two hours.

The garden is always so well kept. Even though the plants are all foreign to this country, they look like they are in their natural habitat. Looking over them you notice each color is more vibrant than the last. It nearly gives out a systematic vibe.

Ah... I want to draw now.

I sigh.

But I don't want to get up~

I tilt my head into my hand, my elbow leaning against the window pane of the sick bay. The sun warms my skin as it peeks out from behind the thin layer of clouds.

I want to go outside.

The King wanted to me to leave the sick bag yesterday. To me, his suggestion sounded a lot more like an order but for all the cares I gave to that I refused.

Maybe if I agreed I'd be out there...but on the other hand..

Who the hell would want to go back to that demon of a servant?


He is most definitely going to find me here when he hears that I'm better.

Slowly, I stand up and turn to the door. It seems way more far away than it did yesterday. The cool tile makes it even harder to walk towards it.


"You are mine now.."

Those maroon eyes...looking so seriously at me...

My cheek hurt... no.. they are just really hot.

That stupid King and his careless words.

I shake my head quickly, speeding up my pace and grab the door handle yanking it down.

As soon as I open the door I immediately regret it. Because of course right there in that moment, with his nose just barely missing the door stands last person I would've liked to see today.

"How are you feeling today Haru?" With his usual smile, Akai-san's closed eyes still seem to burn into mine.

"Much better.." I sigh, gazing at the vase further back next to him like it's the most interesting vase in the world.

"I am glad to hear that. I was worried the side affects of that dart would cause you great pain." An invisible wall of tension builds itself on top of each word he says.

"So that was you?" My eyes narrow, glancing at him.

I'm not surprised.

"Yes, I'm sorry for such rash actions. I hope you hold no grudge against me. It was mearly my duty as a royal servant to protect the king and his comrades." One brick after the other I can feel the wall rise in my shoulders and throat.

He's dangerous. Get away from him.

"I'm not a child anymore," My eyes can't seem to meet his, "I don't like holding grudges anyway."

"Excellent," His tone sounds generally pleased, "Then shall we get back to your training?"

Once again it seems more like an order than a request.

"No, I'm still very tired." I state, backing up to the sick bay slightly, "I want to feel better before returning."

"Oh dear, you still feel ill?" The brunette tilts his head.

Even the worst con artist could fake concern better than you.

"Then why are you up out of bed?"

He got me there.

"I-I wanted to look for the King since he wasn't here when I woke up." I look at Akai-san and bite my tongue in regret.

His eyes.... it's like he's looking right through me. Were they always this dangerous looking? They are nearly animal like...

"I see," For a moment he breaks eye contact and pushes his glasses up onto his nose, "King Rin is out for business, I'm sorry to tell you he won't be back for a couple weeks."

"Oh?" Pursing my lips, I feel my stomach burn slightly, "Then I'll just go back to rest."

Carefully, I turn my back to him walking back into the room. My heart pounds against my chest.

His eyes....His eyes...

"Akai-san! Sir! There's been a break in!" An out of breath voice makes it's way closer and closer to the both of us.

"What do you mean?" I turn around to see Akai-san straighten his back, making himself look taller than the stubby man in red colored robes who looked like he was about to pass out any second.

"Three men.." The guard takes in a deep breath, "In the King's Ballroom."

I watch the man hunch over, trying to catch his breath.

Akai-san glances at me and then looks back at the guard; his head probably full of plans.

"Stay and guard Haru over here, I will go and see the scene for myself" Without hesitation he begins the jog down the hall, his sandals clicking against the quartz tiles.

I look at the guard who's still hunched over and then the hall Akai-san just ran down.

Is this a test? Or a real chance?

Akai-san seemed surprised or was that j-

The sound of shattering glass breaks my thoughts. A man covered in black robes climbs through the window, looking around. I can feel myself relax, looking at his green eyes through the black cloth that covers his face.

This is a chance.

I turn for the hall to face the guard, now blocking me off.

"Who're you?!" He looks at the man and then back at me. It seems like he is unsure which of us takes priority.

Swiftly, the man takes out a knife driving the guard to the corner of the room. I take the chance to dash out going down the opposite end of the hall where Akai-San went. A muffled scream can be heard behind me and then silence.

I run faster, towards the staircase.


I stop in my tracks, nearly toppling over from the intensity of the speed.

"Makoto..?" I can feel the muscles in my back tense as I turn around.

The man in black cloth yanks some of the cloth on his face off and jogs over to me, waving.

It's him.

"H-How did you..?"

I can't believe my eyes.

"Haru-chan," He smiles at me.

His smile never changed..

"Let's go home"


~Authors Note~

Surprise surprise! After nearly a year I update :) I know y'all love meeeee.

I feel like my style changed a bit in writing. If there are any suggestions people can give me I'd love that.

QOTD: Who's ready for Vine 2.0?

AA: I am! Very very ready. I can not wait to see my good old Vine come back to me.


You are Mine Now (Rinharu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now