Chapter 11

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     Harvey's POV

I am only attracted to her. That is the only reason to why she is on my mind. I am simply attracted to her physically. Nothing more, nothing less.
     And I know how I was going to forget about her about our stupid kiss and about my attraction towards her.
     I am going to simply avoid her for as long as I have to. 

       It is Monday. I wake up late. I shower. Brush my teeth and put on some sweats and a plain t-shirt with my worn out converse and head the diner for some breakfast.

    I make it to school in time for the third period.
       The belll rings. I head straight for the cafeteria.
     I stop in my tracks when I see her sitting with another guy alone. He has said something and she is now laughing at what he said.
          I tighten my hold on the tray I have in hand and walk towards her forgetting about ignoring her.
    Why do I feel like I am going to kill the guy next to her? Why do I feel like I am the only one who is supposed to make her laugh?
          I reach there table and take a seat next to her.
   All the laughter died down and she is now staring at me.
     "Hi?" I say not sure if it is the right thing to say.
      "Um, hi" she replies .
    I turn around and start eating my lunch I can feel them staring at me but I refuse to leave her alone with him whoever he is.
     As if them staring at me isn't enough, the group I sit with at lunch turn around and are all looking at me now confused.

    "What are you doing here ?" she breaks the silence.
  "I told you that I'll see on Monday didnt I ?" I say not bothering to look at her. 
       I dont get a reaponse back and I dont look at her to see her reaction and  pretend to be focused on the food infront of me and not thinking about her.
     "Hey." says a girl as she approaches the table with the guy I beat up at the party and another girl I don't recognize.
        They take a seat on the table with us eyeing me suspiciously for a moment before starting a conversation.
  "Hey Andrew can you drive tomorrow? Mom wants my car cause hers broke down. " asks the arse who got beat up.
     So i now know that the guy making her laugh is Andrew.
  Before I can say something to the black eyed prick ,Jayden someone  I usually go to for a good late night fuck,walks towards the table.
   "Come on Harvey our table is over there" she says pointing her finger to where the football team was sitting with a couple of girls, mostly cheerleaders.
    "Why are you sitting with these losers anyway?" She asks taking my hand in hers and getting ready to lead me back to my usual table.
    I dont bother replying to ger remark nor do I acknowledge it.
I get up from the table and ignore the daggers being shot at me from the table but before I start walking to turn around at look at her. I look into her eyes. They looked hurt?

   After school I go straight to Jayden's house.
     "Why the fuck would you say something like that to people you dont know shit about. Is it because your a fucking cheerleader now ? Or because we fucked a couple of times? Well guess what that doesnt make you any beetrr than them so next time why dont you keep your fucking mouth shut and stay awa from me. " I tells as soon as she opens the door.
       Here I was defending the girl that I thought I was onky attracted to. Choosing her over someone I've known for over a year. I am defending someone I barely know. Someone I thought I didnt give a shit about.
     What the hell did you do to me, elliana?
  Jayden stands dumbfounded infront of me surprised at my sudden outburst.
   And there I leave her without feeling any remorse.

        I find myself driving to her house for the second time. The house I am supposed to stay away from.
       I am standing on the doorstep waiting for her to open the door. 
        "Hi" I say when I met her hazel eyes.
    "Lucas is not home" she states after a few seconds of silence.
     "I'm not here to see Lucas" I reply smirking.
     She steps aside and opens the door wider welcoming me into her home.

        We head towards the living room and take a seat on the couch facing the tv. 

       "I dont know what I'm doing here" i say after a few minutes.
   "Neither do I" she remarks.
I know why I am here I wanted to warn her about her friend and his intentions but I can't do that she'll think that I am just saying that because I like her.
    I know that I should apologize about lunch too.  But I never apologize and I am not going to start now.
      "Do you want to watch a movie or drive a round or something? " I ask her wanting to spend more time with her.
   "Look you cant be rude and inconsiderate one second and then kiss me the second time you see me . You're confusing me.  Either try to be nice to me or leave me alone. " she states.
  I am taken aback by what she said not really having expected her to say that.
       But she is right after all I am confusing her. But hell, I'm too confused myself.
       She makes me feel different. She makes feel things I've never felt before. I want to hang out with her and talk to her. I want to be around her and that scares me and it is hella confusing.

      "Okay I'll try and be nicer. " I agree " friends?" I ask not wanting to cross the safe line.

    "Friends" she agrees. 
    "So friend tell me about yourself" I ask smiling  hoping to start a conversation.
     She stays silent before speaking again. "What are your parents like?"
   I felt my blood boil and my anger surface. "You dont have to know shit about my family." I yell storming out the door a few moments later.
    I knew when I walked out the door that I am going to get wasted tonight.

A/N not my best but meh.....
  Anw thanks for reading.

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