Chapter 25

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Elliana's pov

The whole week had went by quick and Friday had finally arrived. During those week days I either ate lunch with Harvey or we spent it in the music room. He came over to my house everyday after school and drove me there every morning.

The school bell had rung minutes ago and I was now gathering my books to study over the weekned.
"Hey, you still hanging with us today?" Gemma asked.
"Yeah" I smiled.
I still havent really told her what's happening between me and Harvey. She simply knows him as the guy I'm crushing on. And no, she hasnt noticed that he's been driving me to and from school. She has been really occupied with my brother.Lucas has barely been home this week for he always is at her place.
My friends and I had arranged a hangout on the football field and were meeting there an hour from now.
         I met Lucas outside the school building as he drove us home.
         At home, I placed my bag in my room grabbed my old gumnastics bag and headed towards the kitchen. I packed the iced cupcakes I made earlier, cookies and plastic cups in the bag. I added wipes before I closed the bag and placed it near the door.
       Before I had the chance to turn around the door bell rang.

    "Hey" harvey exclaimed soon as the door opened.
Having not said anything he asked -" can I come in?"
    "O-okay" I stuttered but none the less moved out of his way to let him in.
     Don't get me wrong, I am more than happy to see him. It's just that I have to leave and I dont really know how to tell him that we cant hang out today. And to be honest, it's friday so I didnt really expect him to show up here. I was sure that he was plannin on attending a party or something. But here he is.
     "What are you doing here?" I ask once we're in the leaving room seated on the couch.
       "You dont want to see me?" He asked eyebrows furrowed.
     "It's not that. I just dodnt expect you to come over today and I  kind of am hanging out with my friends today." The words stumbled out of my mouth without me having a chance to comprehend what I 'm saying.
           From the silence that had followed I assumed that I had said something wrong. And that feeling increased when he got up ready to leave.
     However, he surprised me by grabbing my hand and leading me towards the door.
        "Where are we hanging out then ?" He questioned.
    "Harvey I already told you-"
  "Yeah, i know we're hanging out with your friends today. I'm guessing you're planning on taking this bag with you? Okay yeah." He said still while leading me to his car. 
    He started the car and started driving.  My house getting smaller and smaller on the readview mirror.
    "So, where are we hanging out?" He asked looking at me for a brief second with a smile plastered on his face.
           "School's football field" i replied smiling.
       "Okay" he said restong his hand on my thigh.


      Harvey carried my bagall the way to the field once we got to school and hadn't let go of my hand since I got out of his car.
         "Hey guys" I greet mt friends awkwardly due to the way they're staring at me jaws on the floor. I was definitely blushing by now. I knew that they'd be surprised seeing harvey here but I never expected them to be that obvious.
       "What is he doing here?" Asks Liam almost annoyed.
     Harvey's grip on my hand tightens and I realise that I should probably answer before he does to avoid any arguments. However, not knowing what to say I ignore Liam's question.
     I squeezed harvey's hand as a sign of reassurance and we both take a seat next to Gemma.

       I empty the contents of my bag next to the various snacks placed on the floor trying to avoid Gemma's gaze.
         She being the curious person she is nudges me woth her elbow.
"You're telling me everything when we leave" she whispers causing me to roll my eyes.

      The gathering was awkward. Harvey and Liam were at each other's throat always throwing random insults whenever possible. It ended a lot earlier than I had anticipated and I was now in Harvey's car headed back home.
          He parked the car in the driveway and I opened the door to get out but he reached my side and closed the door before I got out. The whole ride had been silent so I was curious for what he had to say.
         But he didnt say anything.
      His blue-green eyes were boring into mine. And then the inevitable happened as he pressed his lips to mine.
    Although this wasnt our first kiss.  It felt new. Unique. Not like any other kiss I have ever experienced. Every kiss with him feels new  foreign and exciting.
       He pulls away to soon-" goodnight love"
   "Goodnight" i reply smiling like the idiot I am.
      I collapse on my bed like every time Harvey invading my mind.
       I was about to fall asleep when my phone beeped.
       Opening the phone a smile replaced the annoyed scowl I was styling.
Harvey: wanna hang out tomorrow?
   I have to do something tomorrow but maybe after?
Harvey: sure love. Text me when your done and I'll pick you up, yeah?
Harvey: night
Goodnight Harvey
With that I lay back down letting sleep take over me while I dream about that dimpled smile that has never left my mind ever since I first saw it.

A/N so I'm back and I'll try posting more now that I have time.
Thanks for reading.

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