Chapter 1

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(Raegan's POV)
Mom: "Raegan, come get these last few boxes that are down here!"
Me: "Okay i'll be right down"
I walked down stairs to the kitchen grabbing the few boxes that were mine.
Mom: "You're unpacking up there right?"
Me: "Um well no, not exactly.."
Mom: "Well I want that room unpacked."
Me: "Yeah, yeah. I know"
I turn around and start walking to the stairs.
Mom: "Oh and Raegan"
Me: "Yeah mom?"
Mom: "Remember you start school tomorrow."
Me: "Yay," I said in a sarcastic way.
I walk back upstairs putting the boxes on the floor, and sitting back on my bed.
Mom: "I don't hear unpacking"
Me: "Ugg"
We just moved here about two days ago, everyone's in such a hurry to get settled in, but me? Well that's a different story. I came out about a year ago at my old school as trans and gay, and i guess you could say it wasn't the easiest of things. Some schools are the same, so going to school tomorrow? Not really looking forward to it.
I finished unpacking come clothes, as for everything else I just left in the boxes till tomorrow. I've been moving things all day, the last thing I wanted to do is unpack. I grab walk down stairs, looking through some boxes, finding a towel, then head back to my room. My room had a bathroom attached to it, so I took a shower in there.
When I was done I threw on a loose binder and some basketball shorts and laid down on my bed, and went on my phone for a while.
After a little while i heard footsteps coming towards the stairs. I quickly reached over and turned my lamp off, and pretended that I was asleep. My mom walked in the room.
Mom: "Of course you're sleeping" she whispered, but still loud enough for me to hear. "And you didn't even unpack....."
My mom came and sat down on my bed.
Mom: "What am I going to do with you...." After that she got up, walking out of the bedroom. I decided to just go to bed, I do have school tomorrow, not like that'll be any fun.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm.
Me: "Great"
I say to myself. But hey, maybe I'll try to make the best of today.
I grab some clothes out of my closet, grab a binder and some boxers out of my dresser. I brushed my teeth, and that other stuff, before grabbing my backpack off my door handle and head down stairs.
Mom: "Good Morning!"
Me: "Yeah, morning, where's dad?"
Mom: "He had an early shift today?"
Me: "He started work already?"
Mom: "Mhm, it how we pay bills Raegan"
Me: "Yeah I know"
Mom: "So want some breakfast?"
Me: "No I'm, not hungry.."
Mom: "Raegan"
Me: "I'm serious. Can you just take me to school?..."
Mom: "Yeah, sure. Let me grab my things, meet you in the car?"
Me: "Yeah.."
I throw on some shoes and walk outside getting in the car.
About a minute later my mom gets in the car, and starts driving me to school.
Mom: "Excited?"
Me: "Mhm"
Mom: "I'm just asking"
Me: "Well not really"
Mom: "Well just try to make friends"
Me: "It's not that easy"
My mom just lets out a sign and kept driving. We get there, with in 5 minutes. She pulls up to the curb and drops me off.
Mom: "Okay sweetie, have a good day!"
Me: "Mom, stop."
Mom: "Fine, see you after school"
Me: "Mhm"
I say turning around waking inside the building.
I head to the office first where they get my class schedule and stuff.
I'm waking down the hall, looking at my schedule trying to figure out where my first class is, when I run into someone falling on the floor dropping my things.
Me: "Oh, hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
Boy: "Hey it's okay"
The boy holds out his hand, helping me up.
Boy: "What are you studying so hard"
Me: "Oh just this schedule, I'm new here, my first day"
Boy: "Oh okay, well I'm Justin"
Me: "Justin, cool. Well I'm Raegan"
Justin: "Raegan, okay nice to meet you"
He says shaking my hand.
Justin: "So you want me to, show you around or something?"
Me: "Yeah actually that would be great."
Justin: "Okay here let me see your schedule"
I handed it over to him.
Justin: "You have Biology with Mr. Walker first period, and that's actually my first period too so I'll just walk you there"
Me: "Okay that would be great, thanks"
Me and Justin start walking down the hall.
Justin: "So where you from?"
Me: "Me, oh um, Maryland. Dad got a job here so we had to move"
Justin: "Oh, yeah I bet that must of sucked, moving away from your friends"
Me: "Um, I guess. I didn't really have many friends anyways"
Justin: "Really? I'd think a guy like you would have lots of friends"
He looked at me and we both smiles at each other.
I looked into his eyes, maybe started a bit too long, but they were so pretty. We both stopped in the middle of the hall.
Me: "So um-"
Girl: "Justin!"
A girl with long brown hair, came up give Justin a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Girl: "Who's this?"
Justin: "This is my new friend, Raegan, he's new here"
Girl: "Oh cool"
She says shaking my hand.
Justin: "Raegan this is Ally, my girlfriend"
Me: "Oh girlfriend?...... Um nice to meet you"
Ally: "Mhm, you too"
Justin: "So I was showing Raegan around and got to get to my next class, see you at lunch?"
Ally: "Yeah"
She says with a smile on her face, as she walked away.
Justin: "Shall we continue"
Me: "Yeah sure"
I say more quieter, as we both walked down the hall to our first class.

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