Chapter 16

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I wake up to Justin playing with my hair. I look up at him.
Justin: "Well good morning"
Me: "Hey, what time is it?"
Justin: "Almost 6"
Me: "Ooo.. I should get home before my dad notices I'm gone"
Justin: "Why"
Justin wines.
Me: "Or I'll stay here and your dad can bring us breakfast in bed"
I say looking at him with a smile.
Justin: "Ugg... I guess your right"
Me: "Yeah"
I say getting up, putting my shoes on.
Justin: "So I'll see you at school later?"
Me: "Yes you will"
I say walking over to him, kissing him. Then I left the room. Getting out of his house was easy. Both of his parents were still asleep, but I know my dad would be up around this time.
I quietly open the door walking inside, i see the stairs and start walking to them, I reach for the railing.
Dad: "Hey!"
I gasp, I nearly peed my pants.
Me: "Ahh..Oo-Oh Dad.. hey"
Dad: "Were you just coming in?"
Me: "Oh.. um.. well, Yeah"
Dad: "Where were you?"
Me: ""
I say pointing to myself.
Dad: "Who else would I be talking about?"
Me: "Oh, I was just, I um, went for a run.."
Dad: "A run?"
Me: "Yeah"
I start to act like I'm out of breathe.
Me: "Yeah, you know"
Dad: "I didn't know you ran.?"
Me: "Oh um yeah, just trying to get in shape"
Dad: "mmm... I see"
Me: "Yeah, well I'm gonna go take a shower. Cause I'm sweaty... from that run.. yeah"
My dad looked like he was gonna day something, but then he didn't, he just shook his head and went back to drinking his coffee.
I start walking up the stairs, did I actually get away with that?
I go upstairs, and get in the shower. I don't exactly like lying to my dad, but I don't think he'd have the best reaction when I told him I stuck out of the house in the middle of the night to go to my boyfriends house.
I finish my shower then put on some clothes, blow dry my hair, all of those type of things.
I walk downstairs grabbing my shoes, then sitting down putting them on.
I'm tying my laces up when my dad walks in the room.
Dad: "Raegan"
Me: "Dad"
I say as I continue to tie my shoes.
Dad: "So maybe tomorrow, we can both go on a run?"
I look up at him.
Me: "Yeah I'm gonna half to pass"
Dad: "Why not?"
Me: "I don't run"
He looked at me confused.
Dad: "Didn't you run this morning"
Shoot, forgot about my "run."
Me: "Oh, um, well that was a one time thing"
Dad: "Oh, I see.."
I could tell he was a bit suspicious.
Me: "Well I have to get to school"
I say standing up, picking up my backpack waking to the door.
Dad: "Oh, um, okay"
I walk out the door not saying anything else, and start walking to school.
It took longer than I thought to get there, since someone usually drives me. I get to school as soon as the first bell rings.
I walk into class, it's about to start when I take my seat. Justin was sitting two rows in front of me. But he moved to one of the seats next to me in the back.
Justin: "You Okay?"
Me: "Yeah"
Justin: "Did your dad find out?"
Me: "No, I think he's gaining on me, but it'll be fine."
Justin: "Okay"
The teacher begins class, and we pay attention.
Class is over and me and Justin walk out together.
Justin: "Thanks again for coming over last night"
Me: "Of course, it was nice"
I say putting my arms around his shoulder.
Justin: "So you have any plans tonight?"
Me: "Um, not that I can think of"
Justin: "So wanna hang out?"
Me: "Yeah sure"
Justin: "And you said that your d-"
It was then a girl came up to us,
Girl: "Candy bars for sale, wanna by one"
Me: "Oh, um I'm good"
Girl: "Ugg, no one wants to buy them"
Justin: "I said no one wanted those"
Girl: "Yeah, well they seemed easiest... Oh hey, Tony, candy bar?"
She says walking away from us.
Me: "What do you mean, no one wants them?"
Justin: "Well we're selling stuff to raise money for home coming next month"
Me: "We're?"
Justin: "Oh, I'm on the committee, I didn't tell you that"
Me: "No, but it's all good. What were you saying before?"
Justin: "Oh um, didn't you say that your dad wanted to meet me?"
Me: "Oh yeah , I mean he does"
Justin: "Okay, then I'll meet him tonight"
Me: "Tonight?"
Justin: "Yeah I mean, why not"
Me: "I mean if you want to"
He just looked at me.
Justin: "Well I mean if you want me to.."
Me: "No I just... of course I want you too. Tonight will be perfect"
Justin: "Alright, it's settled. Well I have to get to class, see you at lunch?"
Me: "Yeah"
I say smiling, Justin kissing me before leaving.
I head to my next class, pulling out my phone.
*Hey Dad, will you be home tonight?"
I walk into the classroom taking my seat.
Dad: *Yeah why?*
Me: *Well I wanted you to meet Justin*
Dad: *Oh, you're boyfriend Justin?*
Me: *Well that's the only Justin I know*
Dad: *Im just making sure*
Me: *Well Yeah, can you make it tonight?*
Dad: *Yeah, I will*
Me: *Okay great, see you later*
After I sent that I put my phone in my pocket and started to walk to my next class.
After a class or two goes by, I walk to my last class before lunch.
I sit down in one of the seats and the teacher starts talking, we have this new project, and we're assigned partners.
I ended up with a girl named Sandy, our teacher let's us collaborate right away.
Sandy: "Raegan right?"
Me: "Yep"
Sandy: "Cool I'm Sandy"
Me: "Nice to meet you"
We just started talking about the project, it honestly seemed lame, and one last thing I wanted to do, but we got to work with partners so I guess it's half less work for me.
The bell rang and that period was over. Me and her both walk out of the classroom.
Sandy: "Okay since this projects due this Friday, we're gonna have to work outside of school on it"
Me: "Oh, yeah" I said in a sarcastic tone.
Sandy was one of those "straight A" type of girls, always has her work done.
Sandy: "I'm free pretty much every day so we could meet everyday after school?"
Me: "Actually I cant today"
Sandy: "Um okay, well how about tomorrow?"
Me: "Um yeah, sure"
Sandy: "Alright, well here's my number, I'm case you have any questions about your half."
She says handing me a paper with her number, then walking away. I guess she's the leader of this project, not that I'm complaining or anything.
I continue walking down the hall when I feel someone grab my hand, holding it.
Justin: "Hey babe"
Me: "Hey"
I say grabbing his hand too, now that I know who it is.
Justin: "Who was that?"
Me: "Oh just some girl I have this project with"
Justin: "Oh cool"
He says as we both head to lunch.

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