Chapter 21

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*Prom proposal ideas*
I type into the search bar.
Thousands of results come up, along with a whole bunch of pictures. I click on one of the websites and start reading ideas.
After about 30 minutes of reading, I find my idea.
I know it was going to be cheesy, but honestly I think i would be cute.
I walk downstairs, into the living room where my mom was sitting down watching tv.
Me: "Hey mom, do you still have that craft bucket thing"
Mom: "My craft bin?"
Me: "Yeah, that"
Mom: "Yeah, should be in the basement somewhere"
Me: "Okay thanks"
I walk to the door to the basement, opening the door.
Mom: "Figure out your idea?"
Me: "Yep"
I yell waking down the stairs.
I get down stairs and start looking around for the craft bucket thingy.
I walk over He one of the walls that are filled with totes filled with who knows what.
After searching for a little while, I finally find the bin.
I pull it out from the other bins, then bring it up stairs.
I get back to my room, setting it down, opening it up. I find exactly what I need. I start pulling out paper and glue, cutting the paper into the shapes I needed, then glueing them together.
When all was said and done, I had a rainbow. I took another blank paper and attach it on, writing a message. I was done. I picked up my phone looking at the time. 10:49.
I decided to clean up my mess and then go to bed.
I wake up the next morning with a positive attitude. I was excited, I was going to ask Justin to prom, but nervous at the same time.
I get to school in a hurry, I go in carry my poster along my side, so the words aren't visible to anyone.
I finally find him standing at his locker, talking to Jace.
I pull out the rainbow colored candy out, I had texted my dad last night to pick some up on the way home from work, and surprisingly he did. He wasn't as impressed as to why I asked for them..
"Interesting" I think to myself.
I start walking to his locker, and I see him see me. He starts to smile.
I finally approached him.
Me: "So the proms coming up and..."
I open the poster up, then just look at him and smile.
He begins to read the poster.
Justin: "I know we may be gay, but can I take you straight to prom?"
I handed him the candy, he takes the candy, smiling. Then comes closer to me.
Justin: "of course I will!"
I put the sign down as he leans in giving me a hug, then a kiss.
I start to hear claps echoing throughout the hall. We let go of the hug to find everyone clapping.
I take a look over at Jace, who started to walk away.
Justin: "Well we have to get to class, I'll see you later?"
Me: "Of course."
I leaned over giving him a kiss, and I turn to start walking away when just grabs my collar, pulling me towards him.
Justin: "And Thanks, for the proposal"
Me: "Was it what you were looking for?"
Justin: "It was really cheesy, but yes, yes it was"
We both smile, Justin letting go of my collar, as we both walk to our next class.
I ended up sticking the poster in my locker, justin putting the small candies he could hide in his pocket, in his pocket, then the rest into his locker.
The morning went by fast, and the whole morning made me happy, I was going to spend prom with the boy I love.
I started to realize, proms right around the corner, and all I did was ask him to it.
I put the rest of my stuff, into my locker, before checking my phone.
Justin: *Working in stuff for prom, are you helping?*
I thought about it for a second, and decided I kind as well help out.
Me: *Yeah sure, I'll be there in a bit*
I slipped my phone back into my pocket, before walking to the lunch room. I grabbed a hamburger that was wrapped, then get a coke from the vending machine, then I walk to the auditorium.
As I walk I realize, Am I allowed to bring food there? Oh well.
I get there waking through the back. Setting my burger on the table along with my sprite.
Me: "So what you need help with?"
Justin had his back turned to me, painting this giant sign.
Justin: "Well I'm about done with this, if you wanna help me paint the next one?"
He put the paint brush down, then grabbing a towel wiping his hands off, then turn around.
When I think he was coming towards me for a hug, he walks right pass, grabbing my burger instead.
He sits on the table, opening it up before bitting into it. He just sits there eating it, until finally he looks up at me.
I just smile.
Justin: "I'm sorry, this was your wasn't it"
He says, gesturing me to take it back.
Me: "No you have it"
Justin: "You sure?"
Me: "Yeah I'm not that hungry anyways"
Justin: "Okay.."
He says before bitting into again.
Me: "So what are you trying to spell?"
Justin: "Well it's suppose to spell out prom"
Me: "Prom?... where's it gonna go"
Justin: "Above the gym doors"
Me: "Thats kind of lame"
Justin: "That's what I said, but I'm not in charge"
Me: "Oh"
Justin: "Wanna help me finish up this last letter?"
Me: "Sure"
He puts the rest of the burger back in the wrapper, walking over to me, then handing me a paint brush.
Me: "What else is there still left to do?"
Justin: "Um not much, this is about the last of it"
Me: "Oh really?"
Justin: "Yeah, proms on Friday"
Me: "It is?!?"
Justin: "Yep"
He says dipping his brush in paint, then making large strides on the letter "M".
I just started to think to myself. Wait, today is Tuesday... that's in like 3 days.
Me: "That's in three days.."
Justin: "I know, it took you long enough to ask me"
He says in more of a bland voice.
Me: "sorry..."
I then reply in a low voice.
Justin: "I'm kidding, it's fine, I'm just happy I'm going with you"
I smiled.
Me: "Me too"
Justin: "But we need to go shopping, for something to wear"
Me: "Yes, yes we do"
Justin: "What are you doing after school?"
Me: "Um, nothing"
Justin: "Wanna go after school then?"
Me: "Yeah that's should work"
We both went back to paintings, the "m" was almost done being painted.

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