Chapter 7

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Justin: "What do you mean?"
Ally: "Just come with me"
Ally gets up grabbing Justin's hand, them both waking out of the cafeteria.
Me: "What do you think that's about?"
Arynn: "No idea, must've been something serious"
Me: "You think?"
Arynn: "I mean I don't know for sure"
I just looked down, for a second, then looked in the hall.
From the corner of my eye I could see Justin and Ally talking. Justin didn't look to happy, and Ally looked like she was going to cry.
Arynn looked over to where I was looking.
Arynn: "You can see them?"
Me:"Yeah a little.."
I look closer, and see Ally holding on to Justin's hand, but he lets go waking back.
Me: "Look somewhere else, he's coming back"
Me and Arynn look away, and Justin comes back sitting next to me.
I looked him in the face, it looked like he wanted to cry, but he didn't.
Me: "Hey, are you okay?"
Justin looked up at us, rubbing his eyes.
Justin: "Oh yeah, me? I'm good"
Me: "What happened?"
Justin: "Oh um, nothing, me and Ally, we broke up"
Once he said that, I wanted to smile, and be happy, I mean he said he liked me and was gonna break up with her for me, accept he didn't look happy.
Arynn: "What happened? What did that guy mean"
Justin: "She um, she cheated on me...."
Arynn almost choked, I looked over at her, and she did not look happy one bit.
Arynn: "Excuse me? She did what now?"
Arynn stood up from her seat.
Arynn: "I wouldn't want to be her right now"
Justin grabbed her hand.
Justin: "No please, can you just leave it alone"
Arynn: "She can't just hurt my best friend and get away with it"
Justin: "Arynn, please"
Arynn: "Ugg, fine"
She said sitting back down.
Justin: "Anyways, we should get to our next class"
Me: "Yeah"
Justin: "I'll see you guys after school? We can hang out or something?"
Me: "Yeah"
Arynn: "Yeah sure"
Justin smiled, walking away.
Arynn: "Alright!"
Arynn said getting up.
Me: "What are you doing?"
Arynn: "Ganna go find Ally?"
Me: "What why?"
Arynn: "Don't worry about me"
Me: "Should I be worried?"
Arynn: "Trust me, I'm just gonna talk to her"
Me: "ok..."
I slightly smiled, watching her walk away, and I head to my next class.
My afternoon classes, went by, the whole time I just sat there thinking about what Arynn said to Ally.
Finally my last class was up, the teacher handed out the homework, and then I waked to my locker, I put away my books. As I was putting things in the locker, Justin came by me, leaning against the locker.
Me: "Hey"
Justin: "Hey Raegan"
I close my locker.
Me: "Are you okay?"
Justin: "I don't know, I guess"
Me: "Are you mad, sad?"
Justin: "Well I mean, I kissed you, and felt horrible about it, and she cheated on me, and I, I don't know what to think, maybe I deserved it"
Me: "Well she actually cheated on you, it's different"
Justin: "I mean I guess, I should of just never kissed you"
I just didn't know what to say after that, that kiss is what decided that he liked me, ateast I think it did.
Me: "Oh"
Justin: "Wait Raegan I didn't mean it like that"
Me: "No it's fine"
I go to turn away but Justin grabs my hand.
Justin: "Raegan, I don't regret the kiss, I'd do it again. And I do like you, like, like you, a lot."
That made me smile.
Me: "Well I like, like you a lot too"
He smiled too.
Justin: "So we can just move on from this whole Ally thing, and be done with it"
Me: "Yeah"
It was then one of Justin's friends came up to him.
Guy: "Did you see what happened to your girlfriend?"
Justin: "Who Ally?"
Guy: "Yeah"
Justin: "Well she's not my girlfriend anymore"
Guy: "Oh, sorry dude"
Justin: "Its fine what happened?"
Guy: "Your friend, Arynn, beat her up bad, at gym, like, oof"
Justin: "What?!"
Guy: "Yeah they're both in the office"
Justin: "Okay, um, me and Raegan have to go"
I grab Raegan's hand and we both run to the office.
I go in and see Arynn sitting in a chair with a ice pack on her hand.
Justin: "Oh my gosh, what the hell happened?"
Arynn: "She hurt my bestfriend, she couldn't just get away with it"
Justin: "Arynn.."
Arynn: "Justin, its fine, trust me I've wanted to do that to her since, well a long time"
Justin: "Well what's gonna happened now?"
Me: "Where is she?"
Arynn: "She's in the nurses office, and I broke her nose and dislocated her shoulders, at least that's what I heard so far."
Justin: "Oh my gosh, Arynn, what's the matter with you!"
Arynn: "Come on she deserved it, and you know she's a mean terrible person. I mean did you hear what she said to Raegan"
Justin: "Huh?"
Me: "At the roller skating rink"
Arynn: "She hurt my best friend, and my boyfriends new lover it can't work that way"
Justin: "Woah, woah back up, Raegan told you?"
Arynn: "No, I mean he didn't have to, just the way you guys when you're around each other, don't worry I think it's cute"
Justin: "Thanks"
Arynn: "And I like Raegan a LOT, better than Ally"
Justin: "Um yeah, trust me you've made that clear."
Arynn: "Yeah"
Justin: "So what's gonna happen now?
Arynn: "Well my dad's in there with the principal now, I'm most likely gonna be expelled"
Me: "Oh my gosh"
Arynn: "Its whatever, my dad has another business trip in a week, and I'm most likely gonna go"
Justin: "You're leaving again?"
Arynn: "Well I can't stay hear.. Anyways there's my dad, maybe we can hang out before I leave, if I'm not totally grounded"
She said looking at her dad walking or of the principals office.
A Dad: "Justin, how are you?"
Justin: "I'm good"
A Dad: "That's good, Arynn ready to go"
Arynn: "I guess, bye guys"
Me: "Bye"
She smiled walking out the door.
Me: "Dang, that's a lot in one day"
Justin: "You're telling me"

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