Chapter 18

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Me and Justin sat there doing our homework.
I stopped for a minute and just looked at him.
He was so cute.
I face grew I smile, he looked up at me, catching me staring, and I look back down at my homework.
Justin: "I caught you"
He said with a smirk.
Me: "I have no idea what you are talking about"
I say to him with a smile on my face.
Justin was about to say something when I heard whispers.
I paused him.
Justin: "What?"
He said quietly.
Me: "Listen"
We both became silent, and we could hear my parents talking outside my door.
Dad: "I can't just walk in"
Mom: "Sure you can"
Dad: "That didn't work out so good last time"
Mom: "What do you mean"
Dad: "Last time i wakes in they were making out"
Mom: "Really?"
Justin glanced over at me, and I raised my eye brows at him. Then we both look back at the door.
Dad: "I mean do you think that's what they're doing now?"
Mom: "I mean they're teenage boys, they might"
Dad: "Well I don't wanna walk in if that's what they're doing"
Mom: "It's fine just go in"
We both hear my door handle shake so we both go back to looking at our homework, pretending like we didn't hear anything.
My dad walks into the room, and I look up at him. He looked surprised.
Dad: "Oh hey"
Me: "Hey?"
Dad: "Whatcha guys doin?"
Me: "Um.. homework"
Dad: " oh, that's cool"
I look over at Justin who's still looking down at his book, with a smirk on his face. Then I look back up at my dad.
Me: "Is there something you need?"
Dad: "Not much, just checking in."
Me: "Okay.."
He just smiled then wakes towards the door.
Dad: "Oh and Justin, if you want to stay for dinner, you're more than welcome to"
Justin: "Oh I'd love to, but we're having dinner with our grandma tonight, so it's kind of mandatory"
Me: "Oh, well next time"
Justin: "Yeah, next time"
My dad smiles, walking out of the room.
Me: "Mandatory dinner with grandma?"
Justin: "she's only gonna be around for so much longer"
I looked at Justin shocked.
Me: "Justin?!"
Justin: "I'm kidding"
We both kind of giggle a little.
Justin: "Well not really"
I just shook my head and smiled.
Me: "What time do you gatta go?"
Justin pulls his phone from his pocket.
Justin: "Um.. I should actually get going now"
Me: "Ugg.. now!?"
I wined.
Justin put his stuff away in his backpack, I stand up and sit on the edge of the bed.
Justin: "I'm gonna see you tomorrow"
He says coming closer to me.
I wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him.
He wraps his arms around my neck hugging me.
I pull him down . So he's sitting on my lap, we still sit there in the hug.
My head faces him, and I start kissing him.
He kisses back at first, but then stops.
I wine.
Justin: "Raegan I have to go"
Me: "Just stay here with me"
Justin: "Raegan"
I look up at him, pretending to be mad.
Justin: "I'll see you tomorrow"
Me: "Uggg... Fine"
He smiled looking at me, kissing me on the cheek.
He was about to get up but I hug him again.
He hugs back.
He tries to stand up but I don't let go.
Justin: "Raegan..!.!"
I let go, and he walks towards the door.
Justin: "text you later"
Me: "Yeah"
He's about to walk out of he door.
Me: "Justin"
Justin: "Yeah?"
Me: "I love you"
He stands there and smiles.
Justin: "I love you too"
He says then walks out closing my door.
It's been a little while since Justin left, I hopped I'm the shower, washing myself off.
After I get dressed, putting on whatever.
I decide to go to bed early.
I get in bed turning my light off, then pull out my phone, scrolling through social media.
I find a post, it's from one of the kids at my school asking his girlfriend to prom.
It kind of got me thinking, I'm I suppose to ask Justin to prom?
Does he even want to go?
Usually it's the guy that's asks, but we're both guys.
How is this gonna work?
I didn't want to think to much about it, since I still had a few weeks.
I plug in my phone, then decide to go to sleep.
The next morning I wake up from some noise outside.
I looked over at my phone, 3:28 am, i go to my window and look out it, it was my dad. I decide to go downstairs to greet him when he walks in.
I walk over onto the couch, sitting down, leaving the lights off, so the room is mainly dark.
My dad walks in the door.
Me: "Where've you've been?"
Dad: "AHh, Raegan, you scared me"
I just looked at him.
He laughs a little, but not one of those laughs where your laughing at something funny, but that laugh where your up to something.
Dad: "What are you doin up?"
Me: "Couldn't sleep. So where were you"
Dad: "I had to run a quick errand"
Me: "At 3 in the morning?"
Dad: "Um... yeah.."
Me: "Does mom know you ran this "errand"?"
I said, using my fingers as quotation marks.
Dad: "Well no not exactly, but I'd like it if you wouldn't tell her"
Me: "Well why not"
Dad: "Just because, it can be our little secret"
Me: "Dad, I'm not 6"
Dad: "Just go back to bed"
Me: "Fine"
I get up waking to the stairs.
Dad: "An don't tell your mother"
Me: "Mhm"
I mumbled, walking back up the stairs.
When I get back up to my room, laying down in my bed.
I stare up at my ceiling, in the dark room, and think to myself.
Where was he? Why was he out so late? Who was he with? Why did he lie to me?
Damn, I feel like the parent now.
I grab my phone off my end table and open my messages.
Then I go to Justin's name.
*Hey babe, Ik it's late, are you up?"
I hit send then put the phone back on the table.
I then go back to staring up at the ceiling.
I ty to go back to sleep, but I couldn't for some reason. I let thinking about my dad, and what's he hiding.
I know it's most likely not anything, but me being the nosy person I am, want to know all the details.
It's been about 30 minutes, I lean over and check my phone, 4:07 and still no text for Justin.
What felt like every half hour I lean over and check the time again, every time, still no text from him. Which I kind of figured since he's most likely sleeping.
I check the phone one last time, it read 5:59, and my alarm was gonna go off in a minute.
I count down in my head, and it went off.
I turned it off and got up, getting ready for school.
I do all my morning stuff, then grab my backpack getting in the car, my mom driving me to school. There wasn't much conversation between us. I wanted to say something about last night, but I decided not to.
I get to school waking in, then waking to my locker. I open in putting my stuff in, as I yawn over and over again.
I see Justin walking towards me as I finish putting my books in.
Justin: "Hey"
Me: "Hey"
I say and yawn at the same time.
Justin: "You Okay?"
Me: "Yeah, Why?"
I say with another yawn.
Justin: "Well you texted me late last night, and you seem really tired now"
Me: "Oh right... um long story.. well it's not that long"
Justin just looked at me confused.

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