3rd Person POV
It was 2019 when a group of scientists poured in an ounce of dark matter into antimatter and discovered a new kind of matter. They named it Super Matter, later, they decided to pour it on fire to see what it does, which resulted in the Super Matter evaporating and escape through an air vent. Continuing our adventure of the New Age.
Meanwhile, at Jack and Ace's apartment...
Punch after Punch, kick after kick, Ace and Jack were sweating of anticipation, Ace took off his headgear, revealing his sweaty shirt, black hair, and bird blue eyes. He also had yellow skin as yellow as the leaves.
"Alright that's time" he spoke, taking off his gloves, Jack struggled to take off his soft helmet but had help from Ace, revealing his short shaggy brunette hair, he panted as Ace looked at his hazel eyes. Sweat ran down his model-worthy white skin as he tried to catch his breath, Ace smiled and gave him a bottle of water, "Sorry for making you do this" he apologized, Jack devoured the water like it was his last meal, he wiped his mouth clean from any excess water,
"It's fine! Really, this is my punishment for being lazy all day" Jack joked, Ace chuckled and walked towards their kitchen and opened the fridge, seeing all the different ingredients, "I made some Korean Barbecue Tacos, they're on the counter" Jack called, plopping himself onto the couch behind him. Ace grabbed a plate and took almost all the tacos, assuming Jack wouldn't mind and went to turn on the air conditioning, relieving the two of them with the air vents blowing cold air onto their skin. He walked to the couch and moved Jack over to make room for himself, Jack was fast asleep, but Ace didn't mind since he was blinded by hunger. Just before he was about to take a bite a color-changing gas seeping through the vents and entered Ace's and Jack's nose, Ace froze in shock, unknown to what this gas had done to him, and to make matters worse, he also smelt something else,
"Is that... Burning Rubber?" he wondered, seconds later he was met with an explosion face to face, fire roaring, they both flew back and hit the wall, unconscious as their apartment was slowly burning down to nothing but ashes. Who could save them? Well, a certain someone, or should I say a certain Female, was just outside the complex with a bundle of blue roses in her hands, she dropped it and called emergency services in a heartbeat. After a short while, authorities came and took care of the casualty,
"17 injured, 11 unconscious, We need more medics, stat" an officer demanded into his radio device. Later, Ace and Jack were placed onto a stretcher and sent to a hospital with the same woman waiting for them.*Days later in a hospital*
Jack began to wake up,
"Uhh..... what happened?" Jack questioned as he looked around the room like he just woke up from drinking, only to realize he was in a hospital bed.
"Your apartment's furnace exploded, your boyfriend's in the bed beside you." A nurse answered as she was pointing at Ace. The nurse was skinny, but beautiful and young, with shiny lip gloss on her, and had brown eyes with short curly brown hair.
"Am I dead? Or did you just say boyfriend?" Jack asked wiping his eyes,
"Oh sorry! I thought you boys were dating" the nurse apologized,
"Nah, nah, we're roommates" Ace chuckled as he walked towards the bed,
"Mister Walker! You shouldn't be walking right now, you're still recovering!" The nurse insisted as she pushed Ace back into his bed.
"But I don't feel any pain!" Ace whined,
"That's what they all say" the nurse sighed as she placed Ace in his bed, then the doctor came in, the Doctor was short and old, with cloudy white hair and glasses.
"Jack, Ace, in your guys' condition, you would be dead, but it's like you've grown stronger since the explosion" The doctor explained, amazed. Jack walked over to the mirror and lifted up his blue hospital gown,
"Hm... now that you mention it, I don't remember having abs and pecs" Jack stated as he started to pose in the mirror.
"Ahh!! Mister Teaser! Please put down your hospital gown!" The nurse demanded as she covered her eyes.
"Why should I? I look great!" Jack commented with a smile plastered across his face,
"Maaaan!! Shoot! I feel like I can take a bullet!" Jack claimed as he felt his legs. Ace then got out of his bed and walked towards Jack, and kick him in the ribs,
Jack flew towards a wall and crashed into a chair,
"Gah!! Why'd you kick me!? And How did you get so strong all of the sudden?!" Jack asked as he was gasping for air.
"I... Don't actually know! But when I kicked you, it felt like I kicked nothing" Ace responded,
"Amazing! Maybe that explosion had some chemicals that enhanced your muscles and changed how your body reacts to hits" The doctor explained as he examined Jack's ribs,
"Have you heard of English?" Jack asked as he had one hand on his ribs,
"Good Grief" Ace muttered,
"The explosion gave us super powers" Ace answered while crossing his arms.
"Hey! Maybe the explosion gave me the power of rubber" Jack joked,
"Nah... if you did, I would give you a straw hat" Ace responded while squatting down next to Jack,
"If I did, I hope you... You... I don't know to be honest" Jack shrugged. They both started giggling like little girls, until, Ace put his hand out to help Jack up.
"Come on! Let's get out of here" Ace said as he pulled Jack from off the ground, but before they walked out the doctor yelled,
"Hey! You guys gotta change into your regular clothes and pay for the care we gave you!"
"Fine! How much?" Ace asked as he turned around,
"7000 dollars" The doctor answered,
"7000!" Ace gasped, surprised, their insurance total couldn't even reach half that amount.
"Here!" Jack presented as he handed the money to the doctor,
"Jack! Where did you even get that money?" Ace asked,
"I'll tell you later! Now come on, I just called an Ew-Bert" Jack answered. Then, Jack and Ace walked out of the hospital and into the Ew-Bert,
"I stole the 7000 from the nurse as she was pushing you into your bed" Jack whispered,
"You son of a-" Ace happily cussed before he was cut off,
"I know, I know, Jack's the savior" Jack sarcastically said, they both laughed and told the Ew-Bert driver where to go.?^{] P0<
I successfully escaped my room, I only have one chance to pull this off. I ran into his lab, scrambling around the room trying to find the phone, My lungs raced with anticipation, I didn't want him to find me, I stumble around but eventually find his phone, I dialed the number,
"Hello, 911 what's your emergency?" The woman answered, she sounded like she was from what people call the west, I take a deep breath to calm myself down, only to be consumed by anxiety and desperation,
"Someone, Help me, I've been kidnapped by my father, please save me" I begged, I turned to the door to hear the loud sounds of footsteps approaching me, my heart trembled,
"Sorry hun, but that's called Parenting, if you don't have an actual emergency then I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hang up" I gulped, the footsteps got closer, I only have one option left,
"Wait! I have money!" I lied with all the desperation left, silence.
"Alrighty then! Where-" The phone was cut off, the footsteps stopped, and I could feel the fresh air brush against the back of my neck. Before I could turn around, my normal arm was slammed down against the metal table, this one had the phone in it. The glass from the screen stabbed into my hand, I hissed in pain.
"Seems like you are just wanting another experiment done on you" He spoke, my body shook from fear,
"Please... No more, I'm your son" he ignored me and walked over to calmly close the door. He locked it and slowly turned to me, building the tension in the atmosphere.
"No. You're my..." he started, I submitted to him as I knew I couldn't do anything to overpower him, he led me to another room and strapped me to a metal table,

Legendary Fighters (The OLD Original Version)
ActionAfter an unfortunate accident, Jack and Ace obtain abilities like none can imagine. This led to them meeting up with an old friend who happens to also be a part of team of heroes, they gather up the group and plan to exterminate an evil mastermind'...