Olivia POV
I woke up from my slumber and realized that it was still night time and Jack and Ace weren't sleeping beside me, I instantly sat up and started shivering, the cold air was enough to make me go numb. I started to walk around the land, trying to see where Jack and Ace have gone. Every time I breathe though, it felt as if my breath was leading me towards something, I began to place my hand on a tree. It felt cold, like I just touched cold metal, I noticed a hidden handle on the tree and pulled it, nothing happened, I slide it to the left, it didn't budge, I decided to push it in this time, causing a click sound. I try pushing it again, nothing happened this time, I sighed and kicked the bottom of the tree, right after I did that, blue lights started to appear in water surrounding it, heavenly music began playing from the tree, and giant stone pillars fall from the sky and land around the water. I began to look around and saw some of my memories falling from the tree. One fell on my head and landed on my hands, I stare at the memories with amazement in my eyes, I can hear my pretty little voice everywhere, I then stare at the memory in my hand and watch it, I began to cry when I watched it. It was my Parents helping me cross a tightrope,
Olivia's memory
"Go Sweetie" My mother said with a camera, while starting I waved at the camera and slowly walked forward as my dad held my hips. Step by step I was closer to being done.
"Come on Lil Sis!" My older Brother encouraged as I was one step away. As I make it to the end, my whole family cheered and embraced me.End of Olivia's memory
I wiped my tears and hugged the memory, the memory began to sink into my body and my body began to glow yellow. I grabbed another memory and watched it.
Olivia's memory
My Best friend Lena and I were sparring on her bed, we both saluted to each other in our way,
"My name's Lena, Master of Pillow Arts" Lena greeted and bowed,
"My name's Olivia, Master of Annoying Sister" I greeted and bowed. Lena ran towards me and tried to pull off a leg kick, but I counter it with a knee strike to the ribs. She fell to the ground and tried to get up but fell back down. I was about to jump on her but I saw her hand tap out, and stopped to help her up.End of Olivia's memory
I started crying at that memory too, I began to absorb it into my body. Then, I heard footsteps behind me, it sounded like high heels. I looked at the entrance and see a tall figure walking towards me,
"No... it can't be-" I said with a shocked tone,
"Oh but it is..." the tall figure responded as it lifted up it's straw hat to reveal who it is. It was a spirit that used to haunt me, the waters' light was bright enough to show what she'd looked like and what she was wearing, she had longer hair than me, and had ghostly dark hair, and wore a light blue dress.
"You shouldn't be in this realm Janene!" I yelled,
"Funny, I was just gonna say the same thing, Olivia" She replied,
"Wait... you mean I'm in the-" I asked before I was cut off,
"The spirit realm, yep!" She smiled with her English accent,
"Now last time I was here, you brought me here for a reason" I glared,
"Right again m'love" she cooed in her English accent,
"Greeeaatt... what's the reason for this time?" I asked with a annoying tone crossing my arms,
"You couldn't save your friends and family..." I snapped when I heard those words,
"But maybe you can save the others" she continued.
"How could you possibly know how to save my friends?" I questioned as I walked towards her,
"Oh trust me..." she said as she slowly walked towards me,
"I know more than you think..." she whispered in my ear and I woke up. I looked around for Jack and Ace, and felt so relived to find both of them arguing. Then, I heard a voice in my head,
"You got 3 days..."

Legendary Fighters (The OLD Original Version)
ActionAfter an unfortunate accident, Jack and Ace obtain abilities like none can imagine. This led to them meeting up with an old friend who happens to also be a part of team of heroes, they gather up the group and plan to exterminate an evil mastermind'...