Jack POV
Man, How did I even get into this?! I'm thinking this as I'm with Conner in a giant gymnastics room, getting punched into the stomach every time I miss shooting him, and hit it with the bullet right after I get hit. Of course, I wouldn't have killed him if I actually managed to hit him, cause he gave me rubber bullets. But still, it's hard to master this weird gun. First, you have to reload after every shot. Then you have to you have to grip it with two hands, otherwise I'll break my nose, even though Ace told me that the nose isn't a bone. THEN I CAN SHOOT IT! Not gonna lie, I would've prefer reading a book in 2 days. Conner finishes pummeling me to the ground and gets up,
"Alright, let's try this again, this time actually aim" Conner insulted. I grit my teeth and get myself off the floor,
"Why don't you try to moving around?" Zachary called out. I look at him, seeing him just sit on the floor and observe my mistakes.
"Ok Einstein, which way should I move then?" I grumbled, making him standing up and walk over towards us,
"Observe" he stated, warming himself up, then dashing at extreme speeds in a zig zag pattern towards Conner. Conner watched Zachary dash, getting the timing right, then threw a right hook, only to miss as Zachary dashed from going into the fist to appearing on Conner's unguarded right side. Conner looked at Zachary and tried to retract his arm to elbow him, but it was already too late as Zachary threw a quick jab to Conner's jaw, making Conner fall to the ground. Zachary turned to me and brought his fist to chest level,
"Like that" he explained with a smile. Conner sat up,
"Case you didn't know, Jack here is only a human, not a hybrid like us" Conner stated,
"Oh..." Zachary replied, I looked at them with a dumbfounded face, still amazed at how easy it was to take Conner down.
"Well I guess he could just, sprint" Zachary suggested, looking at Conner,
"NOoOo!..." Conner sarcastically shouted. I snuck out of the room and went towards a library to see if I could find Ace. No luck. Until I ran into someone,
"Ow" I winced, rubbing my head, only to realize that I had landed on a bean bag. Which is oddly weird because I didn't see the bean bag when I was over here.
"My apologies! Are you okay?" The man asked. I looked up and saw Ace in different clothing, that being a white variant to what he was wearing, and he looked a tad bit bigger in muscle, and... grassy green eyes? Never noticed that always thought his eyes were blue. I jumped up,
"Ace!" I shouted,
"Who's that?" He asked, confused,
"Ok, nice prank buddy, come on, we need to talk" I say,
"I think you have me confused for someone else" he replied. Now that I think about it, Ace hated wearing white because he was afraid of getting it dirty. I step back,
"Who are you?" I ask,
"Oh, My name is Paityn Arrowood" Paityn answered,
"And you are...." He asked, I walk over and took out my hand,
"The name's Jack Teaser" I replied. He gladly shook it,
"Well, It's good to meet you Jack Teaser" he greeted with a smile,
"It's nice to meet you too" I responded, man, he ended the awkwardness fast. We stop shaking hands and looked at each other,
"So who is this Ace?" He asked me, making my expression change due to me remembering what I came here to do,
"Oh that's right! Ace is my best friend, do you know where he is?" I answered before giving him all the details about what Ace looked like and what he was doing. He looked at me, placing his finger under his chin,
"Oh that guy! Yeah he went-" he explained before being cut off by a girl screaming, "Help! He's got my daughter!" We both ran out of the section we were in and noticed a guy in dark clothing running away with a baby. Note! Paityn had nothing in his hands at this time! But then he had this little figure on a circular platform appear in his hand and threw it. Once the little trophy thing hit the ground, it disappeared and summoned an elephant that slapped the dude and knocked him out, catching the baby safely with it's tusk. Paityn then ran over and took the baby to give it to the mother. Then he looked at the elephant as it dispersed into blue sparks. He began to get praises for what he did, but he just told everyone that he was just doing his job. I walk over till I'm beside him,
"Who are you?" I ask, he turned to face me
"I'm Paityn Arrowood" he replied,
"I know that! But who actually are you?" I repeated,
"Oh! Guess this is kind of awkward, but I'm the hero named Specter" he answered. I never heard of that name before.
"Uncle Paityn!!!!" I hear a little girl scream, I turn around and see an adorable little girl with green eyes and bright blonde hair as bright as the clouds, run over. I stare at the little child in an oversized t-shirt and squeed in my head as Paityn scooped her up and hugged her. That's a very wholesome scene, Paityn separates the hug,
"Hey Eri, how's it hanging?" Paityn asked with a smile, Eri puffed her cheeks from anger, and climbed on top of Paityn to ride his shoulders,
"The name's Eerie remember! I'm the ultimate hero!" Eri claimed, banging her little fists on his head,
"Ow! Ow! Ok, you win Eerie, I am... Defeated!!" Paityn joked, faking to die, and fall down onto the ground. Throwing another trophy thing on the ground and summoning a bean bag.
"Hah! I win! Eerie has defeated Uncle Paityn!!" She cheered with an adorable smile. I squat down towards their level,
"So, you're an uncle?" I say. This made Eri turn towards me and try to hide herself beside Paityn,
"Ah! Uncle Paityn! Who's that?" She asked with a scared face, Paityn looked at her and pat her head,
"It's alright Eri, it's just a friend" Paityn reassured. I try my best to give a gentle smile, and held my hand out,
"Hi! I'm Jack Teaser" I greeted, she hesitantly got out of her "hiding" spot and grabbed my hand with her two,
"I-I'm Eri" she shyly replied without looking at me. Paityn stood up and got rid of the bean bag,
"Eri, it's ok, he's not gonna hurt you, You're strong remember" Paityn comforted in a gentle tone and placed a hand on her back.
"Right!" She nodded and looked at me in the eyes,
"I'm The Legendary hero Eerie! I'm 6 years old and I wanna be just like my Uncle Paityn!" She confidently explained, and started shaking my hand.
"That's good to hear, It's an honor to meet a hero like you" I compliment, we stop shaking hands and both smile,
"I like you Jack, you're my friend now, Ok?" Eri claimed, I nodded in response. After our little chat, I hear a women's voice call out Eri's name, Paityn looked at Eri,
"Looks like your mom's calling you Eri, you might wanna go before you get in trouble" He suggested,
"Ok! Bye Uncle Paityn! Bye Jack!!" She waved, running out of the library. We both wave back, then Paityn looks at me, We're standing by the way,
"Sorry about that" he apologized,
"Oh no, It's not a problem" I reassured shaking my hands.
"Say, That gun, may I see it for a second" he asked, I look at my gun pouch and take out my gun and handed it to him,
"Knock yourself out" I say. He grabs it and inspects every aspect of it,
"Interesting, judging by the design, you must be a Hero too" he assumed,
"You could say that I guess, but I'm in a group" I replied, he handed me back my gun and I put it back in my Gun pouch,
"What group are you in exactly?" He asked,
"I don't know what it's called" I answer. Suddenly, I hear a voice say,
"It's called the Legendary Fighters" I turn to see Conner with a slightly angered face,
"Oh!" Paityn gasped, looking at Conner,
"H-Hey Conner...." I say, getting intimidated.
"So you're in that group?" He asked, but before I can answer Conner butts in,
"Hah! Jack, you wish! You're just some guy Olivia brought along and follows Ace around" He laughed in an insulting tone. That made me clench my fist and grit my teeth, that one hurt my pride. My expression changed to an angry One. No. A furious one. And I charge at Conner with all the fire built inside of me, but before I could do anything, I was held back by none other than Paityn. I glared at him,
"Why are you stopping me?" I ask with a loud dominant voice. His expression changed from a calm, and happy face, to a serious one. I struggle against him as he held me back with one arm locking around my armpits,
"Cause I've felt your pain before too. I've had my pride hurt, and I embraced my anger, but I always lost whenever I did so" he explained, I started to calm down,
"As a friend once told me, It's never ok to just charge into battle without gear" he quoted. At this point, he had let me go because I had completely calmed down,
"So what does that mean?" I ask, facing him with my entire body and forgetting Conner existed,
"It can have many different meanings, but the one I like to use is that you should never succumb towards recklessness or your anger, think things through" He answered. I nodded in response to let him know I was listening, then he smiled with a plan in his head,
"BuUuUt I never said anything about embracing revenge" he continued, and threw another trophy down and summoned a charging moose, which Conner stopped easily all while standing his ground and holding back the antlers with both his hands. Conner smirked with cockiness,
"What? Is that what you call revenge?" Conner chuckled. Next thing I know, Paityn comes flying at Conner at tremendous speeds and kicked in him in the jaw, sending him flying back out of the room. He landed himself on the moose that soon disappeared into blue sparks,
"Nope! That's what I call a fake out" he replied, dusting his hands off. Only for his shoes to catch on fire,
"Ah!!" He yelped, stomping the ground to put it out, I walk over to him and admired his combat skills,
"That was impressive! But how'd you do it?" I compliment, wanting to know how he flew towards Conner like a bullet. He looked at me with a smirk of pride,
"Easy! I simply use my Specters, that's what I call them, and throw down portals that attached themselves to the ground and the air above. Then I drop down and wait because the longer you fall, you faster you go, and then I-" he explained before I cut him off because the explanation was getting too long for my brain to comprehend.
"Too much detail! Can you like- just- summarize it in a thesis or whatever?" I suggested,
"Of course!" He smiled,
"I make portals, drop down, build up speed and force, then I move the upper portal wherever and send myself flying towards my target" he continued. It took me awhile to imagine how it looked like, but eventually I saw it,
"Wow! That must take a really long time to prepare, Huh" I say,
"Yep, that's why this move is a last resort in most fights" he agreed. He turned back towards the door and ran over to help Conner up, Conner was not happy. He was pissed.
"Get your hands off me!!" He screamed,
"You just fought dirty!" He complained, Paityn just smiled like he didn't care. That's cause he doesn't, he probably gets this kind of entitled talk all the time from people.
"Dirty? I never claimed to be a saint, This is the real world, not a kids book" Paityn replied,
"Whatever! You can keep Jack for all I care! I'm out!!" Conner shouted, storming out of my sight. Paityn walked over towards me,
"I think you just got kicked out" Paityn claimed,
"Oh well, he'll come back and get me. Him and our leader will fight it out and eventually come and get me" I reassured with a confident smile. I hope.
"Well if you ever need any help with anything, or just wanna hang out, here's my number" he stated, handing me a piece of paper with his number on it,
"I gotta go and take care of Eri, later" he said, leaving the library. I hope he's not gay for me to be honest. Wouldn't want to date a guy who looks almost exactly like Ace. I walk out of the library soon after Paityn did, and went back to the gymnastics gym to practice. Zachary laughed at Conner when he was told what had happened and had Conner train me on how to use my gun more effectively. Even though I have a power that makes me never miss my shots. I still was grateful for the training. Man, this adventure has actually turned out to be quite interesting. The only thing I don't know is...
Who is Dr. Umbra?...Co!/!/up7 P0^
I slash her throat open with the dark black obsidian fang on my arm,
"Sorry Hun, but I'm going to take your armies" I say as I look at her dead corpse in pity,
"You- you Can't!" She coughed, with blood spilling out of her throat,
"You'll- break... The treaty!" She gasped, I shake my head and walk away.
"Grim Shadow! Attack!!" She screamed, I look back and see a dark figure lunge at me. I smirk,
"Nice to see another hybrid of darkness like me" I say, before I calmly turn and hold out my hand. I used it to steal all the darkness within the Grim Shadow. Then I use my obsidian fang to slice his head off clean. I look at my arm, the power flowing around it,
"Ah... this power is amazing! Thanks for the powers Queen" I compliment, taking my leave.
"I think I'll let you die in peace" I stated before closing the door. Only to be greeted by an army of skinny no eyed, creepy aliens. They were all growling at me on all fours with their large sharp teeth dripping with hunger,
"I have killed your Queen! You all belong to me now! Anyone who disobeys shall be killed" I shouted. Suddenly, 10 bigger ones charged at me, which I assume are the stronger kinds, but I sigh and sliced the air, making a black hole to suck them all up. I put my hands behind my back and look at all the Sycamen, that's what this alien race is called, cower in fear and submit to me. They all make a way for me to leave and follow as I left. Now... It's time for World Domination.

Legendary Fighters (The OLD Original Version)
ActionAfter an unfortunate accident, Jack and Ace obtain abilities like none can imagine. This led to them meeting up with an old friend who happens to also be a part of team of heroes, they gather up the group and plan to exterminate an evil mastermind'...