3rd Person POV
Everyone is up and about, enjoying breakfast made by Camila. Ace had extra spicy Mongolian Beef, Jack had a normal white man's breakfast, Zachary had a huge steak that no man should be consuming on a day to day basis, Conner had a "special" meal, consisting of bacon and green waffles, Oliver had a plate of boiled greens and eggs. Olivia had a bowl of classic noodles, Camila had a plate of shrimp fried rice, and Sophia had an apple crumble, 3 pancakes with sugary maple syrup, and 2 whole figs, a meal no one should eat in their lifetime. When suddenly, Ace popped the question,
"So what's all of your guys' last names?" Everyone stopped at stared at him,
"Dynamic" Zachary gulped,
"Sacher" Conner spoke,
"Pierce" Oliver replied,
"Same as my big bro" Olivia commented,
"Queens" Sophia burped, making everyone laugh,
"Patrick" Camila smirked. Everyone continued eating their food until they heard a loud crash sound. Making everyone slightly jump out of their chair from the unexpected sound, Jack and Conner were the first to get up,
"We'll go check it out, you guys can come if we need help, come on Jack" Conner instructed and jogged out of the Chinese dining room, Jack soon followed, waving bye to the group. The group continued to eat their food, but only a little faster. Conner and Jack arrived at an almost empty street, only thing that was there were two giant glass buildings, and two cars crashed into each other. Jack ran over to inspect inside one of the black cars. Only to find that there was no one in there, suddenly, Conner saw a man sprint towards Jack,
"Jack Look out!" Conner yelled as he pulled out his revolver with orange sparks exploding out, then disappearing. Before Jack could react, the man threw his right fist in Jack's direction, summoning a similar shockwave punch heading towards Jack. The shockwave made contact with his core, but didn't phase him. Now it was Jack's turn, he propelled his right fist foward, creating a powerful shockwave that cracked the stone tiles beneath him. This made the individual leap up into the air, and onto a nearby ledge. Then, he tossed his white cloak off, revealing a navy blue vest, and combat pants. Along with Navy blue eyes, pure white hair, a perfect jawline and a perfectly balanced body build. Jack pulled out his gun and pointed it at the guy.
"Hey! You stole my powers!" Jack complained, Conner aimed his revolver at the man and asked,
"Who are you?" The man looked at Conner with a villainous smile,
"Who am I? I am the man who they call Sniper Shot!" The man explained as he bowed, exposing his bulky physique even more. Jack put down his gun,
"And how do you have my powers?" He questioned Sniper Shot. Sniper Shot looked at Jack with a malicious smile,
"Hm... guess you'll just have to find out..." he smirked and launched towards Jack like a lion. But before he was even close to Jack, A shot was heard in the distance, hitting Sniper Shot in the arm and making him fall down flat. Jack looked over and saw Conner with his silver revolver in his hands.
"Can't let you have all the fun now can I?" Conner joked, and walked towards the two in a slow, but prideful fashion. Jack smiled, growing confident, then looked at Sniper Shot, who was already standing back up. Sniper Shot looked at his left arm,
"Welp... I'm going to feel this tomorrow" he sighed, and punched his arm to launch the bullet out. The blood covered bullet flew out from the wound and made Sniper Shot scream in agony. Jack looked away from the gruesome scene, while Conner just hardened his heart and watched. Sniper Shot slowly picked himself up and glared at Conner,
"Now then... You piece of shi-!" He shouted but was cut off by another gun shot, this time the gun shot flew right next to his right ear, and made a very high pitched sound. Sniper Shot quickly covered his ears as the bullet flew passed him and kneeled down,
"That was a hearing bullet, shooting it can cause migraines and hearing loss" Conner explained and walked towards Sniper Shot. Jack followed soon after, pulling out his gun and inserting the new bullet Ace had made.
"Zeus Bullet activated" the gun spoke, Jack pressed his gun on Sniper Shot's forehead, and pulled the trigger. But nothing came out, there was no sound, no bullet, no impact. Jack pulled the trigger again, while Conner pointed his gun and pointed it at Sniper Shot.
"Come on..." Jack grunted, insanely annoyed,
"Overheat! Caution! Bullet pressure too high! Continuing may lead to self destruct! Proceed?" The gun warned, but before Jack could react, Sniper Shot smirked and upper cut Conner in the stomach, grinding his knuckles against every nerve ahead, sending him flying back into a building. Jack looked back,
"Conner!" He exhaled, only to get tossed by Sniper Shot onto one of the black cars. Destroying the middle of the car and made a loud impact sound.
"Man! You really need to pay attention to the fight kid!" Sniper Shot laughed as he continued to punch Jack in the abdomen, over and over again. Jack struggled to pull out his gun while Sniper Shot continuously punched him, sending slight pain coursing through his body.
"Proceed!" Jack yelled, and quickly pulled the trigger. Suddenly, Jack's gun grew red hot, and shot a ginormous lightning bolt hitting both Jack, and Sniper Shot. A loud echo was heard as the lightning made contact with the both of them. While the sky turned dark grey, and a flash of bright blue light was seen echoing through the area. Conner limped over to the scene, holding his left shoulder along the way. He stopped at the scene, seeing an unconscious Jack on a destroyed black car, and an empty road, with no sign of Sniper Shot. He quickly ran over to Jack, pulling him out of the car. Shaking him with intensity,
"Jack? Jack!" He screamed. Just then, 7 footsteps were heard behind him, and he knew exactly who it was.
"Hey!! Over here! Jack's unconscious!" Which made the whole team change expressions, from serious to anxious. Doctor Ace was the first to appear, and quickly started to examined Jack,
"He's in cardiac arrest, what happened?" He asked Conner as he started to use a defibrillator in his hands,
"I didn't see much, all I could see is a bright light and thunder" Conner answered, Ace instantly knew what happened,
"Oh no... no he didn't..." The group looked at Ace, curious,
"What did he do?" Asked Zachary as Doctor Ace yelled clear and placed his hands on Jack's chest,
"I made him a bullet that shoots lightning, he must've used it on whoever was attacking him" he claimed, Doctor Ace hit Jack with another Shock. Ace began to tear up and kneeled down beside Jack, clutching his hand with his two.
"I'm sorry! I should've never made you the bullet!" He mourned as Doctor Ace gave one last shock. Suddenly, Ace's hands illuminated bright blue energy, and transferred it into Jack's body. From his wrist, all the way into his heart, Doctor Ace examines Jack's heart
"He's got a pulse! He's going to be okay!" He explained, making the whole team dumbfounded on what they just witnessed,
"What was that Ace?" Conner glared,
"What was what?" Ace replied, wiping his tears away. Conner pointed at Ace's hands,
"What was that blue light just now?" He continued,
"I don't know what you're talking about?" Ace shrugged, standing up.
"It can't be..." Camila answered,
"What?" Conner asked confused on what she was talking about. Camila rested her head on her hand,
"I think I know what it is! But we must find Richard immediately!" She declared,
"What are you talking about?" Ace spoke, confused on what's going on.
"You're last name's Walker right?" Camila asked Ace, walking up to him,
"Yeah... how'd you know-" Ace responded, stepping back,
"The Walker family has a history on ancient powers, and you must've inherited it from your parents" Camila explained,
"Well what powers do I have?" Ace questioned, unsure on what she means,
"There are 3 ancient beings, The Shadow Serpent, The Silver Leviathan, and The Mind Phoenix..." she continued,
"Well... how do I know which one I have?" Ace added,
"The Serpent we've already seen, The Silver Leviathan is unknown, and The Mind Phoenix has powers to heal others, and protect others"
"Hm... I guess I have the Mind Phoenix then" Ace laughed, finally understanding what's going on.
"Wait why are they ancient? And how do you know all of this?" Ace asked, trying to find answers. Camila picked up her head while Doctor Ace worked on Jack's body.
"I'll tell you the story later, but for now, we've got bigger things to worry about." Camila promised and went back and talked to the team about the situation. Ace looked down at the ground, thinking,
"Was my Dad a Mind Phoenix, man that name sounds weird saying it out loud." Suddenly, Ace looked up and appeared somewhere else, not on the road anymore, but in a giant cave, with pink and blue glowing crystals. He looked around and saw a giant platform ahead. There stood a pitch black figure and a man with two sets of giant blue fire wings,
"Rejoice! And I'll spare you mercy!" The dark figure commanded and flung it's arms into the air.
"How can I rejoice! When you have killed billions!" The winged person spat and flew towards the dark figure.
"Hm... you wanna play it like that then." The dark figure commented and turned into a giant bright white translucent dragon. Ace looked in awe as the two things charged at each other, clashing with great might. When suddenly, he heard,
"I love you Ace, I love you too Hailey" those words echoed throughout Ace's mind as he knew exactly who the winged person was. It was his dad, and he was charging towards the white dragon. He watched as they collided into each other, and stared as the collision made an explosion. And then, he appeared back on the road, still thinking on what just happened. He looked over at the team, discussing where Richard is. When suddenly, Olivia walked over to him,
"Hey you ok? You've been spacing out for a while now, I'm just wondering if you're okay" She asked with a concerned voice, Ace was snapped out of his thoughts and quickly answered with,
"Yeah... Yeah... I'm fine Olivia, thanks for asking... just wondering who Richard is, you know" And fake smiled. Olivia hugged him tightly, grasping his back very tightly, their chest touching from heart to heart,
"It's okay if you're sad, I'm here for you..." Olivia whispered. Ace hugged back lightly,
"I told you, I'm fine, no need to worry" Ace added. Olivia broke the hug and said ok, then walked away. Ace stuck his hands into his pockets, and looked up at the gray clouds,
"Dad, I love you too" Ace thought, as his blue fire grew smaller. Then after that, the team packed up and set off to find their last teammate, Richard Nickels.

Legendary Fighters (The OLD Original Version)
ActionAfter an unfortunate accident, Jack and Ace obtain abilities like none can imagine. This led to them meeting up with an old friend who happens to also be a part of team of heroes, they gather up the group and plan to exterminate an evil mastermind'...