"Jack! Hey Jack!!" I scream, no connection. Damn. I put my phone in my pocket and look around. The city Richard and I were at was completely fine, beautiful scenery at Crimson Creek, unlike what was happening in Ark Mountain. I snap a worried look on Richard, we locked eyes signaling that we were gonna get serious,
"Richard, We have to go! Jack's in trouble" he nodded and threw down the portal specter and insisted I go in first, I sprinted in and found out that I wasn't in Ark Mountain. We were in a different town, Richard walked in shortly after noticing the same thing,
"Hm, this is odd. I take full responsibility for taking us here" he apologized, I retracted my glistening blue Phoenix wings. I told Richard it's okay and started walking forward. There were lots of beautiful, tall blossom trees, they were as beautiful as Olivia. She might like it here. Ugh. That's not the point! I'm trying to figure out how we got here instead of Ark Mountain.
It can't be that Specter failed.
It can't be that these portals had a malfunction.
It can't be that these portals are all connected.
Then the memory hit me. We all grabbed random specters and left. Meaning that We all have random locations. Meaning that We don't know who has what. Meaning that only some of us can get back. Coincidentally, I spot Olivia and Sophia rushing over to me, Olivia was the first to get to me,
"Ace!" She yelled hugging me than breaking the hug after she realized what she did. We were both blushing, but then I coughed,
"Olivia, Jack needs our help" I explain, She stopped blushing and was shocked,
"What's wrong?" She asked in an anxious tone, Sophia stopped next to Olivia and picked up on our conversation.
"I don't know but I can just sense that he's in trouble, I hate to say it but I think Jack was right, something did seem off at Sweet Honey Valley" I replied, she stayed silent for a bit, then spoke, "Alright, I believe you, but I'm coming with you" Wow it's like she knew what my plan was. I take out the one Specter I had and threw it down. The portal opened and we both looked at each other,
"Ready?" I ask,
"Ready!" She nodded, I smile at her confidence,
"Good. Then let's go save our friend" I declared and we both ran in.Meanwhile with Jack...
Jack POV
Paityn and I were barely able to manage. Paityn couldn't fight back since he was forced to defend me. I felt like a man in a lion's den in this situation. Paityn was suddenly knocked back by the explosion guy, think his name was Point Blank, And was now fighting him in a stalemate agility battle. Meanwhile, I was caught off-guard and was hit by a shockwave, I flew back and hit my back against a wooden wall, I gasp from pain and looked at Shockwave, cool name, as he did that bad guy move involving popping his knuckles and walking towards me. I hurried and grabbed my gun and tried to shoot him, And... I missed. By missed, I mean he moved his head and dodged it like a legend. Guess close combat is the only way then.Ace POV
Olivia and I appeared in Virtual falls, the town we found Camila in and looked around,
"Damn! This is not it either" Olivia cursed, I encouraged her to calm down and help me look for the others. She nodded and we started shouting for our Teammates,
"Zachary! Conner!" I shouted,
"Camila! Big Bro! Doctor Ace!" She shouted after placing both her hands by the sides of her mouth. Tall, Wide Chinese buildings blocked our vision from seeing any of them,
"We're not gonna find them" Olivia sighed,
"We are and we will" I snapped with dominance in my voice, her eyes went wide and she stopped complaining, I hear a faint noise coming from her mind,
"That was hot" YES! My ego was rising at that comment. We stopped shouting names and let our voices take a rest,
"Olivia..." I mutter, she looked at me with a curious face,
"Hm...?" She hummed, My heart started pounding, My words Stuttering, Fumbling, Tumbling.
"I- I- I was wondering..." I stuttered with a huge blush on my face,
"What is it, Ace?" She asked,
"I was wondering if you like-" I say but was cut off by a male calling our names, we both turned and saw Oliver, Camila, And Doctor Ace running towards us. Speak of the devil.
"Hey! are you guys ok?" Camila shouted it's been a while since we've heard her talk. We, me and Olivia, both walked towards them and told them what was happening,
"I see..." Oliver said wrapping a finger under his chin,
"Oh, I hope dear Jack is alright, hate for another candidate to die on me" Camila worriedly consoled, man, she really wants to sleep with someone.
"Oh I do hope Mr. Teaser is alright" Doctor Ace maintained,
"He will be, And I'm sure of it" I declared, Oliver smirked and looked at me,
"What?" I ask,
"Oh nothing" Oliver replied, I started to read his mind, "Look, Zachary, he's got the leader attribute as well" I smile and then looked at the three,
"Alright, So who's got the portal to Ark Mountain"

Legendary Fighters (The OLD Original Version)
ActionAfter an unfortunate accident, Jack and Ace obtain abilities like none can imagine. This led to them meeting up with an old friend who happens to also be a part of team of heroes, they gather up the group and plan to exterminate an evil mastermind'...