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Third person pov~
The sound of other students talking filled the lunch room as Yoongi and his gang sat at their table.
Jimin: So. How did she taste last night? Seeing as you wouldn't let us. Tell us was she tasty?
Taehyung: Yes. She was quit tasty. But she screamed and moved around a lot so it was hard for me to enjoy my meal.
Jungkook: well speaking of tasty. Do you guys smell that?
Jungkook asked out of the blue which caught his elders by surprise.
The whole group then paused and proceeded to sniff the air and stopping when they catch a sweet sent. They then take a deep breath of it trying to savor the smell.
Hoseok: Ah~ that is indeed a sweet delectable smell.
Then they all stopped and looked over to the door of the lunch room where the sweet smell came from.
Then they spotted you there just standing and rubbing your arm uncomfortably.
Namjoon: well if it isn't our little miss AOB~
They called you that because of your very rare blood type.
Having that type of blood meant that you could donate to any blood type but for you, you could only accept another person with the same exact blood type as yourself.
The others hadn't noticed just yet, but Yoongi was smirking the whole entire time form when they first brought you up to when they were now starring at you.
The reason for his behavior is because he knew something that you didn't know quit yet...
All he did was just smile evilly thinking back to what his mom had just told him this morning.
*flashback yoongi's pov*
I had just stepped out of the shower and started to dress myself for the day when I heard my mother shouting my name from down stairs and asking for me. I quickly finished drying and dressing myself and hurried down to see what's he wanted.
Mom: oh there you are sweet heart!
'Hmm she seems too happy' i thought to myself.
Me: what do you want mother?
I said coldly to her.
But then suddenly the room seem to turn cold as the atmosphere suddenly turned serious.
Mom: fine I'll just get right to it then. Son. Your getting married.
At first I couldn't believe what I heard. I then just looked at her thinking that she MUST be kidding right?
Mom: I'm not kidding you son. I've found you a wife.
She then threw a folder at me from across the table that we were sitting at. I slowly opened it and then saw a picture of y/n. My heart stopped the moment I saw her picture.
I slowly removed it from the folder and then held it up to study y/n features better. My eyes kept on going to y/n's eyes in the picture until finally my eyes landed on y/n's lips.
Mom: Rather beautiful isn't she?
I couldn't even find the words to reply so I just kept on staring at her photo.
Mom: her name is y/l/n y/n. Or min y/n if you will?
It's funny how my mom seemed to have forgotten that she goes to the same school as me. Hmm...
Mom: she doesn't know about the marriage plans yet so will you be a sweetheart and tell her?
I just nodded to that and left the room silently smirking to myself.
*flashback ended*
Yoongi smiles even more just having that flashback play back in his head.
He had been planning all day on how he wants to tell you the news. He then licks his lips as he's listening to how hard your heartbeat is beating.
Yoongi then gets up from his lunch table and proceeds to walk towards you.
Y/n pov~
I was just simply scrolling through Instagram on my phone when suddenly I hear a voice.
???: come sit with us y/n
I look up expecting it to be... well I don't know really but anyone other then who it was...
It was Min fucking Yoongi himself!
It takes me a moment to respond but then finally...
Y/n: oh no really it's fine. I can just find another empty seat.
I then was about to walk away but felt someone pull on my wrist rather harshly. I stumble a bit from the amount of strength Yoongi pulls me at and end up colliding into his chest. I then look up only to find my eyes met with another pair of piercing dark orbs. His eyes to be exact and I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't scared a bit. I hadn't even realized how close the two of us were. I quickly try to move away but then am met with a breeze of air hitting me. And the next thing I know me and Yoongi both are at his and his fellow gang members lunch table.
But that's not even the most embarrassing part... I wasn't sitting next to him... I WAS SITTING ON HIM! I blushed a deep crimson red and tried to get down only to be stopped by Yoongi's strong arms gripping my waist and holding me in place.
Y/n: Y-yoongi what a-are you d-doing?
I ask while stuttering.
Yoongi: what the fuck does it look like? Now will you shut up.
His yelling just made me flinch and look away.
Jungkook: hyung do you care to explain why you kidnapped y/n to come sit with us?
Yoongi: what? Is it wrong to have your wife accompany you at lunch?
Wait. What did he just say! Did he say WIFE! I froze in place while turning to look at the other members but they seemed oddly calm. I finally muster up all my courage to speak.
Y/n: D-did you s-say w-w-wife?
I just barley managed to choke out. I then turned to look at Yoongi who just sat there with a sly smirk on his face.
Time skip your at home~
Y/n: How the hell could you just force marry me away?!
I yelled at my dad as soon as he got home from work.
Dad: Don't you dare use the tone with me young lady! I'm only doing what is best for you!
Y/n: Oh so making me marry someone that I barely know and don't LOVE is what's best for me! Geez thanks dad!
Dad: This conversation is over! Pack all of your things because we will be leaving to go to your shared house in one hour.
Before I even had time to respond he slammed the door shut. Leaving me a crying mess on my bed.
I twisted the little music box until I heard the sweet sound of the melody coming out. I sat up on my bed watching the little handle spin and listening to the music stills playing.
Y/n: thanks Mom I needed that...
It was the little music box my mom had given me when I was little. She would always play it when I was sad.
My mom had died because of an accident I had caused when I was little. After that I always had a weird sensation of being watched until one day I found out it was my mom.
I had no choice but to start packing my stuff. So I packed all my clothes, skin care products and stuff my mom had given me. While packing I had found a necklace my Mom had given me and I couldn't help but to shed a tear at this.
Y/n: I'm sorry Mom I can't fulfill your dying wish now... dad has already found me a husband and I'm going to our shared house today.
I looked at my clock and saw that 48 minuets had already passed so then I went down stairs to where my father was waiting.
Dad: ready to go?
I can't believe he's asking me that so instead of answering I shoot daggers at him with my eyes.
I walked past him out the door and loaded my things into the car. Then I sat and looked out the window while my dad was pulling out of the driveway and getting on the main road. I watched as all the street lights and signs pass out the window.
'Maybe it won't be as bad as I think...'
That's my last thought before I drift asleep.

A/n: heyo every body! Well what do you all think of my new ff? Well guess what it don't matter! I enjoy writing and I really do hope that your enjoying the story so far. Well till next time😘 sorry did some grammar updates.

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