Say you wont let go.

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Yoongi pov:
I almost choked on my coffee...
Well shit how am I suppose to explain this-?
I can't just say well Jungkooks a vampire and the other day he bit you because he's thirsty for your blood. Oh and by the way I'm a vampire too, matter of fact all my friends are!
She'd either believe me and freak out or she'd not believe a single word I say.
I put my coffee down and turned to look at her with a emotionless expression.
Me: how the fuck am I suppose to know?
She opened her mouth as if to say something but then closed it.
Y/n: never mind then...
She mumbled while getting up and I followed her with my eyes and saw her walk out into the corridor.
Damit I messed up...
I glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was about 30 minuets before school would start. Sighing I got up and grabbed my car Keyes off of the counter.
Then I walked out to my car and found y/n actually leaning on my car waiting for me on her phone. When she saw me she put her phone away and looked at me.
Y/n: ready to go?
I nod and we both got into my car and drove off.
We were driving in complete silence until y/n broke it by finally speaking.
Y/n: so why did you do it?
She asked me while still looking out her car window on the right.
Me: do what?
I questioned her confused while keeping my eyes on the road ahead of me.
She looked at me. She actually turned completely towards me with her body.
Y/n: I mean why did you agree to this marriage? What do you get out of it?
I sighed and thought about it a minute.
Me: I um didn't actually agree to it. I'm just like you I'm being forced into a marriage where there's no way out.
She scoffed and turned back around to look out her window again.
I tried to focus my attention back on the road but I couldn't help but to keep glancing over at her.
She drew invisible hearts on the glass with her indexed finger.
We finally arrived at school and I pulled up into my usual parking spot. Then we both got out and walked inside.
Y/n: So what glass do you have right now?
Me: um... dance I think. You?
Y/n: same should we get going then.
Me: sure and oh before we go...
I took her hand in mine and oddly enough they fit perfectly;
As if they were made for each other...
Y/n: eh Yoongi why are you holding my hand?
She looked at me with clear confusion Written all over her face and in her eyes.
Her hand is so warm, so nice... so perfect.
Me: we're married aren't we? So shouldn't this be normal behavior then? Also I have to show the others who you really belong to.
She sighed and then looked down.
Y/n: Yoongi I'm a human. Not an object. I'm not something you can own and I don't belong to you. That's not the type of relationship I want...
I tightened the grip around her hand which made her glance up and look at me.
Me: And you won't be apart of that type of relationship! Look we might not know each other like a normal couple would but you are my wife and, and I will make sure that you will feel like my wife and loved until the day I die!
W-where did that come from? Why am I acting so-so SOFT with her. Ugh y/n what are you doing to me?
She was so shocked that that she didn't move. She smiled and then stepped in front of me bringing her hand up to caress my cheek.
I didn't know what she was doing until I felt her warm breath against my own lips. Her lips were so close to touching mine that I could almost feel them against mine.
I started to lean in slowly... but then...
We both pulled away from each other blushing madly.
Me: we should get going!
She nodded and then we both rushed off to class. On the way there was nothing but silence.
We came just in time before the class started. Sense we were running here we both were out of breath and breathing heavily.
I went to change and then came back and sat on the boys side. Waiting for the lesson to start for the day.
But then just when the teacher was about to start talking. Y/n came out of the locker room tip-toeing before quickly bowing to the teacher and then sitting down in the corner.
Teacher: okay class now that we're all here I can explain what we're doing today.
We will be dancing in pairs of two. One boy and one girl. The two of you then have to create choreography and then show the rest of the class.
I've already put you in groups so don't worry about that.
The teacher pulled out a paper and started calling out pairs and while waiting for my name to be called I stole a few glances at y/n.
Teacher: y/n and jungkook... Yoongi And sosu.
I looked up quickly when I heard the teacher call out y/n's name and then over at Jungkook who was starting to smirk evilly.
While people started going to their groups and discussing their performance. I went up and pulled the teacher aside.
Teacher: ah Mr. Min what can I do for you?
I whispered into his ear and then turned to y/n and jungkook dancing.
Teacher: ah I understand... listen students! There has been a mistake. Y/n and Yoongi are actually supposed to be partners and then jungkook and somu are together! That is all!
I went over to y/n and jungkook who looked completely confused and then I turned to smirk at Jungkook. While he turned to go bumping his shoulder into mine as he went.
Me: I guess were partners then-
She smiled and then stepped closer to me.
Y/n: I suppose we are... well let's get to dancing!
We first decided on what song we wanted and then got to rehearsing parts to it. We perfected it just in time when it was our turn to show it to the class.

You are: May J Lee
Yoongi is: Bongyoung Park

Clapping and cheering had filled the room as soon as the music stopped. But even though we were finished I still held y/n in my arms. Holding her in my arms was warm and comforting. It made me forget the whole world around us.
It made me forget all my worries and mistakes...
And the monster that I am...
I looked in the mirror only to see her looking back at me then pulling my arms around her tighter.
She closed her eyes but kept on smiling sweetly.
I guess I'm not the only one enjoying this moment.
Teacher: okay class that's it for today. See you on Friday!
Y/n opened her eyes and smiled at me while trying to get loose from the hug I had her trapped in.
Y/n: come on Yoongi I have to get changed.
She whined still trying to get loose from the hug. I let a growl escape from the back of my throat then let her go.
She giggled at me before walking off to change.
While I stood there thinking about a minute ago and about her warmth before going to change myself.
I unlocked my locker and took out my clothing from earlier before going and taking a shower. After my shower I went to put my pants on. Then when I was about to put on my shirt my eyes darkened from seeing someone in the mirror of the locker room.
???: so when are you going to claim her?
I took a deep breath before buttoning up my shirt.
Yoongi: I'm not going to... jungkook...
Jungkook: you do know that your mother will force you to sooner or later right?
I closed my locker before turning around to face him.
Jungkook: and if your not going to do it. Then one of us will.
I looked at the ground knowing that they were right. If I don't do it then one of them will one way or another.
Jungkook: you know how Jimin gets when he wants something. And that something is y/n at the moment. I've tasted her blood and trust me you'd be doing yourself and her a huge favor if you claimed her.
I looked up to meet his seriously deadly stare.
Jungkook: think about it hyung...
And with that being the last thing said Jungkook was gone just as quickly as he'd come.
I smashed my fist in my locker leaving a dent then leaned my forehead against it.
I know what I have to do. I just don't want to hurt her...

A/n: hey guys I'm back with another update because my friend wanted me to and you know who you are.😂 well don't forget to comment and vote please everything counts! Love you guys 😘

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