Pain, fear and anger

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Y/n pov~
Guilt, hurt, fear, anger, pain every emotion that was possible rushed through my heart. Every emotion felt like a knife trying to stab me in the heart, trying to consume me.
I pressed my face into my pillow trying to hide my uncontrollable tears. Trying to suffocate them, to silence them.
I've been like this sense I got back from the hospital. Yoongi's gone to school, but me? No I've stayed in my bedroom the whole time. I never leave. Yoongi brings me food, homework but I just don't care about it. I don't really care about much anymore.
I don't want to see anyone or anything. Not even Yoongi has been able to convince me to leave my room. I can't say he hasn't tried though...
I've laid in my room like this for about an hour or so. Until I finally decide that I need to do something, anything I just can't be in this room anymore.
In the end the room just became too suffocating for me, like it was trying to consume me.
I got up from my bed and walked towards the balcony. Opening the double glass doors and then finally walking out into the crisp, cold air of the night.
I walked over to the railing and grabbed onto the cold metal tightly. That's when I sucked in the most air that I could into my lungs and just let it all out.
Screaming the loudest I could out into the night sky. Letting every bit of pain run out of me. Letting every ounce of my anger finally be set free. And it felt... it felt good.
That's when hot painful tears started to stream down my cheeks. Everything I had bottled up inside of me was out into that scream. I didn't care that my throat was burning from it or that I could still hear it ringing in my ears.
My heart, no... my everything was gone.
My heart, my happiness. They both shattered the moment that I saw her being pushed away on that bed. The moment that they took her away from me.
And all that I wanted to do at that time was run over to her and pull her tightly into me, to never let her go.
I wanted to tell her how much I love her and how much she meant to me. Yes she might just of been a patient that needed help. She might just of been that in the eyes of some others. But not to me.
To me she was everything that I had. Before Yoongi came into my life. She was the only family that I had, Yes I had my dad but she was the reason I woke up in the mornings. The reason I was exited to go to work. She was the happiness in my life, my meaning of living. She was basically the only thing keeping me alive in this cruel and pain filled world.
So if she wasn't meant to live... to get cured and to live a a good life with a family. Why should I?
Why should I stay in this hell of a world and suffer?
If there is a god, then he must really hate me. Taking the only people I love and care about away...
First my mom, then Claire. Who will he take next? Will he take Yoongi away from me too?
I'm sure he will. Besides Yoongi is a vampire. He will live way longer than I can even imagine. So no matter what we wouldn't have our happily ever after.
He's a vampire... I'm not. I sigh loudly.

Y/n:  I need to clear my head...

I mumble lowly to myself as I close my eyes.
A/n: more chapters to come later❤️

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