Goodbye my star...

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Y/n pov~
And there she sat in her bed. So oblivious to what was about to happen. So innocent and pure.
I took a seat next to her on her bed and reached my hand out to grab hers. She hadn't noticed my presence yet so she jumped a little at the sudden touch.

Claire: Y/n!!! Your here! I missed you so so much!

She threw herself at me, tackling me in a tight and loving hug.
'Oh how I'm going to miss this feeling'
She pulled back and I took her hands in mine before caressing them gently.
I took a deep breath before I said anything, trying to calm myself down.

Me: okay sweetheart I don't have much time to say this so listen carefully. I love you and no matter what happens, no matter where you are or where I am, you will always be my precious little baby girl. My little ray of sunshine and my little star.
I will always love you, and I'm so sorry it had to come to this. Just remember Claire, I love you with all my heart okay?

She was about to say something but before she could get any words out. Two doctors came in to take her away. They got on both sides of her bed and wheeled her out of the room.
They wheeled her out of the ward. And as they did she looked around the room so confused and scared.
That's when she found me. She looked into my eyes one last time before she disappeared down another hallway.
My heart ached badly from seeing her shaking and terrified form. I didn't even try to hold in my sobs this time.
I slowly and silently followed behind with my head hanging low. The guilt washing over me in a big strong wave.

Claire: Y/n! Y/n! Where are they taking me?! Where are you taking me?! Y/N!!!

I could hear her voice yell out To me. It was filled with fear and confusion.

Me: I love you Claire! Always remember! I love you my sweet sweet little baby! I love you so incredibly much! Don't ever forget about that okay!

I ignored all of the weird stares and looks I got from people. When they saw me standing in the middle of the hallway yelling like a lunatic.
I finally watched as her bed finally disappeared from eyesight.
I took one last glance towards the way she went before walking away to my office. Slamming the glass door shut behind me.
I sat down in my chair and tapped my foot in utter frustration. I looked at my desk, it was filled with papers, pens and other useless shit.
I furiously stood up causing my chair to flip over backwards. I slammed my hands on the desk to loud that I swear I could hear a cracking noise. Then with one swift movement I swept all of the things off of my desk.
In anger and hate I flipped my desk over so hard that this time I was certain that one of the legs in it had broken off.


I threw anything I could get my hands on. I was in so much rage that everything I saw was red. I had lost it completely. Everywhere and everything I saw was a blood red shade of red.
I screamed and cried. Kicked and hit. It was like a wildfire of hate that couldn't be put out.
Guilt, disgust and anger flooded and coursed through my veins.
My head hurt from All of the screaming, yelling and crying but it wasn't enough to stop my rage.
Nothing was...
Sam pov~
I was passing some of the offices when I passed Y/n's and heard a lot of screaming and yelling.
I looked in through her glass door and saw her screaming and crying while throwing everything around. I was about to walk inside when I stepped on something.
I looked down and saw that it was a phone. I knew it was Y/n's when seeing the case. It was a clear case with a picture of her and Claire in it.
I picked it up and tried to see if it was unlocked. Which surprisingly it was. I looked at Y/n through the door again before dialing his number.

Mr. Min: Hello?

Me: hi Mr. Min it's sam and I need you to come down to the hospital where Y/n works.

Mr. Min: sam? Why? What's wrong?!

Me: I'll explain later. Just hurry please!

The line went dead and I knew that he must be on his way.
Yoongi pov~

'Oh Y/n I'm so sorry...'
A/n: I said I hoped to update again before Sunday and I don't know today just felt like a good day to do so.
Anyway please don't forget to vote, comment and share! I love you guys!❤️❤️❤️

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