Long drive

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Y/n pov~

I was devastated, hurt and just... depressed.
Because today was the day. The day that I would have to say goodbye to Claire not just for a day, a week but for the rest of my life.
Today was the day she would go in for her surgery and she wouldn't come back out alive.
I could already see it. Her little lifeless body in my mind.
Just knowing that today was the last day I would ever get to see my little sunshine again hurt me so much more then anything else that could. More than my dad could.
I felt my heart tare every time I thought about not seeing Claire everyday. Not holding her hand when she's scared of the bigger kids, not holding her in my arms when she can't sleep because of the thunder and rain. Not hearing her voice call my name if she needed something or even if she simply just wanted my attention. Not having her run over to me the second she sees me walk through the door.
And then the thing that hurt me the most out of everything... not having the girl I see as my sister in my life anymore.
I was so caught up in my own thoughts and sadness I didn't even notice the tears escaping the corners of my eyes until now.
I look d down at the foot in front of me and started picking at it. To try and give the illusion that I has eaten some of it.
I walked to the trash bin and threw out the food I no longe had appetite for. Before walking out of the cafeteria and heading to my next class.
Time skip: end of school~
I was in my car heading for work. Taking the longest route and going the lowest speed just so I wouldn't have to get there.
Because I knew they wouldn't perform the the surgery before I showed up. Such asshole coworkers I have.
I inhaled a deep shaky breath before unwillingly driving the rest of the way to the hospital.
At the hospital~
I stepped inside and noticed that all the other doctors already stood circulating the door to her room.
I fought back the tears that tried to escape but ended up failing miserably. They fell heavy and slow. I quickly tried to wipe them away before stepping over to the others.
As I walked closer to her door. They all made way for me as soon as they saw me, so I could enter her room.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm and compose myself before grabbing the handle and walking inside.

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