End: Love defies everything

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Third person pov~
It took awhile for his brain to realize and process what happened. He listened for clarification, as his eyes started to blur. The sound of your heart wasn't it's normal steady beat... it was fading... it was dying.
He sat down on the floor with you in his arms. He started shaking you lightly, still holding onto that small fragment of hope that you'd wake up and smile that beautiful smile of yours.

Yoongi: Y/n, baby wake up... darling please... just open your eyes and t-talk to me... talk to me babygirl please... I-i can't l-lose y-you!

He pleaded and hugged your body closer to his. His loud and pain filled sobs getting muffled by your hair. He tried calming himself. He just felt so much pain and sadness that it angered him.
He knew what he had to do...
He pulled your shirt down and off your shoulders and bit you. It wasn't like before when he just fed off of you. This time when he bit you he injected his venom into you. He pulled back only to still see your motionless body in his arms. This was his last chance... it was his only chance.
After cradling you in his arms for awhile. Yoongi got up and called an ambulance. It turns out that his mother had taken both of you to an old abandoned psychiatric hospital.
Once police and the medics arrived they had already announced that you had passed and Yoongi was set up for questioning. But with no evidence that he could of been the one to kill you, he was set free. And with no other suspects to investigate the case was closed and ruled an accidental death.
After Yoongi was done being questioned, he was going to go to the hospital where they held your body until further notice. But before he went to the hospital, he went back and searched the entire psychiatric hospital for his mom and Jungkook. He found no one. But he did manage to find one thing. It was a crumpled up piece of paper that read;

                    I'm sorry... she made me do it.

In Jungkook's messy scrawl.

Then while on the way to the hospital all he could think about was why? Why would his mother do this to him? Was it something he did to make his mother act this way? But what confused him more was, why did Jungkook do this? Why didn't he come to him for help? Had he gotten anything out of helping her?
Yoongi knew Jungkook too well and he knew that Jungkook might seem and act heartless but he still had empathy for others. Yoongi had seen the way Jungkook would look at you from time to time. He like you a lot. You made him feel human again.

Yoongi: I'm sorry I got you tangled up in this mess... it was honestly never my intention to harm you in anyway...

He looked up into the sky out through the window and smiled as a single tear fell from his eye.

Yoongi: Are you looking at me from above? Are you disappointed in me? Are you smiling happily with that sweet, bright smile of yours? Have you forgiven me for my mistakes?

Yoongi walked over and kissed your forehead one last time before walking to the door.
He looked back and gave you one last glance before turning his back and starting to leave again.

"I'd never be disappointed in you. I love you. So will you turn around and look at me for fucks sake?"

Yoongi turned around only to be met by that beautiful and bright smile that he loves so much.



The end.

A/n: you guys really didn't think I'd let you die now did you? And did you really think that I'd make Jungkook a villain? Well I'll have an epilogue out tomorrow I think. Then I'll have a chapter dedicated to thank you's and a little bit more of an explanation.

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