Phone call

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Yoongi pov~
I woke up in bed to the feeling of coldness.
And then when I opened my eyes I found that the other side of my bed was empty.
I stretched out a bit before yawning and looking around to see where y/n was.

Y/n: Of course you don't care. You never did!

The silence was gone as an upset Y/n's voice ripped through out the air. You could feel the atmosphere change within seconds.
I sat up in bed and looked around the room more. Before I saw my wife's figure. She was standing by the window with her back to me. Wearing my shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans.
She seemed nervous, tapping her foot and biting the top of her nails. Her eyes also seemed to be more glossed over too.
With confused questions already flooding my head.
I got up out of bed and put on my underwear and pants. But obviously not my shirt sense she was wearing it.
Then when I started walking closer to her I noticed that she was on the phone talking to someone.
Due to the darkness in the room and no light except for the moons light glow through the window. I struggled to read the caller ID but was finally able to make out the letters spelling Father.
Another thing which slightly worried me was that she seemed to be so preoccupied with her call that she hadn't even noticed my presence at all. Which I suppose could be normal if we weren't talking about Y/n here. The girl who almost punched me in the face because I snuck up behind her in the morning once.
I tried to get closer to her now hoping that all of He sudden she wouldn't notice me. Because now I was interested, I wanted to try and listen to their conversation. Hey call me a stalker, creep whatever. But when my wife's this upset it's my job as her husband to try and get involved and help.

Y/n's dad: I'm your father youn-

Y/n: well then start acting like one! Ever sense Mom died you've done nothing but hate me. And on top of everything you hit me! You hurt me over nothing!

It was like everything was in slow motion for me.
I took a step back in my shock.
'He hit her?'

Y/n: it was an accident da-! No,no. That wasn't my fault dad that wasn't me! No, I just-! Ughh I HATE YOU!

She ended her call and then threw her phone at the wall with alarmingly strength.
She slid down the wall. Covering her eyes as she slowly started to cry and then sob. Her body frame was shaking due to the call. I walked over to my wife and engulfed her in a warm and loving embrace.
Me: shh... it's okay. Just, just let it all out.

She tightened her arms around my neck and cried louder into my chest.
I closed my eyes listening.
Her heartbeat sounded as if a glass was dropped on the ground and shattered into tiny fragmented pieces.

Y/n: h-he's going to h-h-hurt me again!

She wailed and cried even more and even louder too.
At this point I could feel my shirt getting a bit soaked. But I didn't mind knowing that the love of my life was breaking down in my arms.

Me: No. he's not. Not if I'm around to protect you

I pulled back and cupped her cheeks. He eyes were so red and puffy from crying so much.

Me: as long as I'm here I won't allow anyone to hurt you both mentally and physically.

I wiped the tears away from under her eyes as she nodded in understanding. A small smile formed on her lips as a slight chuckle filled the room.

Me: how about you go take a shower. While I start making breakfast in the mean time?

She nodded her head. And I pecked her lips before sending her off to the bathroom. While I headed downstairs to the kitchen to begin making breakfast

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