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My head rested againts the car window looking out into the dense trees and forest surrounding the small red car I was in, the tall trees casting dark shadows almost swallowing the forest floor in darkness making it hard to see anything at eye level. The car was driving on a little road in the middle of a forest and in the heart of it was Clingwood Asylum, my new home for the rest of my life.

"So girly, what are you in for?" asked the man driving the car looking back at me in the rear-view mirror his green eyes focused on my face "oh I burnt my uncles house down, with him inside. Then on my court day I figured that I didn't want to go to jail so I claimed insanity and they sent me here" I said not returning his stare "oh... so you knew full well what you were doing?" he turned his gaze back on the road and I sighed "yep "I chirped. The driver hummed a funny tune as I watched the trees fly by I caught my reflection in the window my eyes are as green as jade and my hair is as black as a Ravens feathers, which is why my mother named me after a bird which resembles death. My skin is deathly white and I have bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep these last few days.

If you're wondering why my family isn't tagging along for the ride it's because my father, a respectful business man didn't want his image ruin by having people see him walk his only daughter into an asylum even if it was in the middle of nowhere. My mother a gossip whore would rather go to lunch with kathy and talk about Victoria's latest husband seeing as the other three obviously weren't good enough for her fashion frenzy life, then to see her "little girl" off.

"Here we are princess" said the man as we entered the asylum ground, the place was huge it looked like something out of Harry Potter with its old buildings and vast landscape that would take your breath away it was so beautiful, until you remembered where you were. He parked the car at the door where 2 huge bulky guys waited dressed in all white one with a scar along his face, they approached the car and opened the door grunting as they did "She doesn't need you she can walk in for herself" said a voice behind them, they both nodded and stood aside allowing me to step out of the car and face the man that just spoke.

He wore a long white coat he had a pen tucked behind his ear and a note pad in his left hand. He was rather tall, blonde hair and had black rectangle shaped glasses "Hello Raven, I'm Dr Lucas Hemmings and I will be your psychologist until I retire or you die" he said smiling from the top of the stone stairs, I must have looked worried because he began to laugh "only joking, c'mon unless you want Boris and Hansel to bring you in?" he asked extending his hand out to me. I walked up the stairs slowly with my head down as I approached him, he placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him his blue eyes shining brightly in the sunlight "let me take you inside to you cel- I mean room and get you settled in then you can go meet some people and you can make friends!" he said trying to cheer me up. I sighed and followed him into the large building.

"Raven keep up" he said walking fast with his long strides making my run after him, he lead me up more and more stairs, we turned several corners and finally ended up at my cell " here we go room 189, I must warn you your roommate is a bit-" "crazy?" I cut him off, he bit his lip and nodded. He pushed open the door and I saw 2 beds only 6 feet away from each other, a small mirror above a sink and a toilet next to it, lovely. "Okay sit down and I'll walk you through everything" Dr Luke pointed to the bed that was almost clean and was neatly made, I sighed and sat down and he bent down in front of me and put both hands on my thighs and looked up at me " Okay, down the hall is the activity room and that's where everyone stay's during the day, in the activity room there is a large set of brown doors with circular windows in it, push that open and that will lead you to the bathrooms, yes their co-ed so that means-" " I know what it means" I snapped, he shrugged it off and continued " then once a day for 2 hours we let you out into the yard and you can play ball games and have good fun with other people, or nobody whatever you want" he said standing up and walking over to the door and pulling it closed to show the time table at the back of it. " Here are all the times, 7am-8:30am is breakfast, 8:30am- 12pm is free time in the activity room, 12pm-1:30pm is lunch, 1:30pm-3:30pm is the time we let you play in the yard, then 3:30pm-7pm is activity room again, 7pm-9:30pm is for showering and toilet needs and dinner, then from 9:30pm-10:15pm is when I'll come and get you and we'll spend time together then you'll go back to your room and lights out is at 10:30pm" he said quickly smiling at me.

Right, okay I think I have this.

"What are you doing in my room Hemmings?" Said a dark haired boy stepping around Luke and walking over to his bed not even paying attention to me "Raven this is your roommate" "cell mate, and I'm not a mate" said the dark haired boy cutting Luke off, finally he made eye contact with me. His eyes were chocolate brown and his hair was dark and curly, he wore a black top and grey sweat pants "yeah well cellmate Calum, if I were you I wouldn't talk to him, he isn't very nice" Luke continued, putting his hand on the door handle "It's 3:45 now so you can go meet people or stay in here whatever you like, we won't start therapy until next week to make sure you're nice and settled in but until then I bid you farewell" he said giving me away then walking out of the door and turning left.

"So...." I said hoping to strike up a conversation " I'm Raven" I continued, Calum scoffed and laid his head down on the pillow " yeah, I'm Calum" he said giving me a blunt look " what are you in for?" he asked tucking an arm under the pillow waiting for my response "I burned my uncle alive in his own home, you?" I asked hoping it wasn't something to bad. Calum smirked and rolled over so his back was facing me, I sighed and laid down on my bed facing the ceiling starting to think about what it will be like living here, with Calum in this room until one of us dies or murders the other. Calum made a noise that sounded like talking and then he rolled over again to face me " I killed 4 teenage girls" he said, my eyes widened and I shot up looking at him he chuckled and closed his eyes " don't worry you're not my type" was the last thing he said to me before I heard light snoring leave his lips.

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