Nine >>

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“You okay? You look like you just saw a ghost?” asked Calum pushing his chair back so he could stand up, I shook my head quickly catching the attention of Michael and Skylar in front of me. “I need you and Michael to come with me, there is something wrong” I whispered to Calum who towered over me, he looked behind him at Michael and waved him over to us “what’s going on?” Calum whispered back returning is attention on me, I shook my head and bit my lip. I didn’t actually know what was going on except the fact that Ashton and the rest of us are in danger and I’m not going to stand here and let that happen. “I-I don’t know but.. Its Ashton.. He is in trouble or something and I can’t have Skylar interrupting while we go look for him” I said chewing on the side of my cheek to release the tension that was now running circles in the pit of my stomach. “Why should i help? He isn’t my friend.. I only play poker with him” Calum said like he didn’t give two shits “Listen here, you’re going to help us look for him because I’m pretty sure he is the only reason Skylar is alive and without him she will die and do you want to be responsible for another girls death?” I snapped shutting him up instantly

“Skylar!” called Michael from next to me, he leaned back a little bit to see around Calum “yes mikey-wikey?” she asked a childish smile on her lips as her green eyes focused on Michael’s face. “We’re gonna play a game okay? Now what you have to do is go to your room and hide, just like Ashton showed you” he said, her features changed like someone had just told her she had to get ready for battle, her jaw clenched and her eyes a darker green she nodded and made her way to her room without looking back.

“Ashton made sure she would be safe at times like these, so he taught her a game that his grandad taught him it’s called war” Michael explained not taking his eyes off her until she left the room, Ashton is a smart guy I hope he is still is one and hasn’t gone crazy. “That’s great but right now we have to go” said Calum spinning me around and pushing me towards the exit “we’re gonna go to our cell and figure stuff out there” Calum said, Michael nodded and ran a hand through his hair lightly pulling at the tips.

“Okay so” I said as we entered the room, Calum and Michael leaned on the wall near the door while I sat on my bed with my head in my hands “I remember before my test Ashton was in there, unless there was a trap door or something in the room he couldn’t have left it” I stumbled on my words lifting my head up to look at them, the two boys nodded and waited for me to keep talking but that’s all the information I could give…I didn’t hear any door open and close nor did I see one.

“When I was younger I would watch a lot of spy movies… was there something that could hide a door or an entrance in the room?” Michael asked “Uh… there was a bookcase and a desk and that’s about it” I said. It took a good 45 minutes to figure out a plan and if stuff happens like if one of us gets stopped or caught “Good let’s start  let’s go!” Calum said getting inpatient we stood up and ran down the hallway to Kamila’s office hoping to find Ashton.


“Would you hurry up?!” snapped Calum in a low tone, he was standing guard out the front of her office while Michael and I snooped around “oh wait!” I whispered running over to her desk and opening her draws looking for the three books I saw last time “aha!” I cheered picking all three up and setting them out on the table, Michael came over and looked at them from over my shoulder “what are these?” he asked, picking up mine and looking at it.

“I have no idea, but maybe this will tell us where he is” I said picking Ashton’s up and flicking through the pages until I came to one that had the top corner folded down kind of like a bookmark. The page was full of diary entries from the last couple of days.

12th of October

He screamed when we presented his mother in front of him, we gave her the same treatment we gave Lucas. He screamed her name and screamed at us to stop “you’re going to kill her” he shouted at us “I’ll kill you if you touch Harry and Lauren” he screamed again thrashing around making Boris and Hansel have to hold onto him tighter surely restricting blood from both his arms. Once done with his mother we gave her a sleeping pill laced in something scientists made up that makes you forget the last twenty-four hours, then we threw him in the bunker and left him there for the night. He is weak.

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