Ten >>

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“If we’re going to do this we need to think of how we’re going to do this..” mumbled Calum, we have been sitting in our cell for the last hour and a half trying to plan our escape. “We need to think who we’re bringing with us” I say, my head rested on his shoulder and his head was resting on mine, we were both tired and weren’t bothered to move from our spot on the bed. “Who? Raven we can’t take everyone you’ve met” he chuckled “I know.. but I want to take Michael at least he has been here for a long time.. and Ashton and sky” I mumbled making Calum groan “that’s five people! It’ll be harder” he said rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger then pinching the bridge of his nose.

“yeah well.. they deserve it too Calum, anyways we need to think of how to get them out of here” I looked around the room not lifting my head from my spot on his shoulder trying to think of ideas “I don’t know how we’re going to do this Skylar can’t shut up for the life of her and a blind guy is bound to make noise” Calum groaned then our cell door opened and in stepped Michael and Skylar “don’t you two look cute” he commented sitting on my bed “shut up Clifford, I’m tired but I will still throw you into a wall” said Calum from next to me, I rolled my eyes and Michael laughed “damn still feisty even after what just happened?” Michael asked in a lower tone. “I want to see him.. we’ve never been apart for this long and I miss him, he needs to know I’m okay” whispered Skylar from her spot near the cell door. I felt for her and Ashton, I don’t know what I would do if I was put in that position.

“You might as well tell them” said Michael looking up at Skylar tears forming in her eyes but she blinked them away “the Asylum has allowed me to leave.. they said I’m all better and my family will be here in a few days to collect me” she said a sniffle at the end of her sentence. My head whipped up so I was properly facing her “Skylar that’s so good! I’m so happy for you!” I exclaimed getting up and wrapping my arms around her small frame, she just stood there and didn’t return the gesture which made it slightly awkward. “I don’t want to leave, I want to stay here I feel at home” she whispered as I pulled away I pouted and she smiled a little.

“you’ll be fine, I’ll come visit you!” I said smiling, she nodded and I stepped away “visit? Well sorry to break it to you honey but you’re in here.. for life” said Michael from my bed, I looked back at him then at Calum “we’re getting out of here” Calum said sighing and playing with his thumbs, I sat back down next to him on the bed and crossed my legs, Michael’s face lit up for a split seconds then he frowned again “you’re going to get yourself killed” he said crossing his arms. I smiled and shook my head “no. we’re not” I said leaning forward.

“Yeah I bet you two don’t even have a plan” he snickered “I think I have one” Calum pipped up from next to me, all eyes in the room moved to him and he smiled smugly.

“Right so, seeing as blondie over here is leaving in the next two days we can do it then, think about it! Half of the guards eyes will be on her as she walks down that LONG dirt strip to were the car will be waiting at the gate so we can run then” he said smiling “what about the other half?” I asked “the other half will be on the fire that is going to be on the other end of the Asylum, see with two things happening at once they won’t have time to notice the us with an alarm going off so that will cover all the noise that Ashton might make.. seeing as you want to bring him along” he continued.

This might work, this might actually work! “yeah that’s great Calum real swell, but where are you going to go after that?” asked Michael in a sarcastic tone “My house” I answered for Calum “My parents are always on holidays this time of year, they go to Fiji and leave me at home to take care of the dog! So we can go there and stay a night seeing as they probably won’t notice us gone until the next day and then we can move on to a hotel or something” I said, I bit my lower lip hoping they would think its good.

“Okay good… but how do you suppose we’re going to start a fire? And how are we going to get out?” said Michael becoming more interested as the plan is unfolding “there is a door in one of the east corridors that leads to a fire escape.. but they won’t use that one they’ll use the south one so we can use that and head straight for the woods and maybe hi-jack a car or something” Calum said scratching his forehead “as for the fire I have no idea” he continued, I laughed out loud and caught the attention of everyone in the room.

“Oh trust me, I can start a fire”    

(A:N I'm sorry this is so short and that I haven't updated in a while and that this is such a boring filler I'M VERY SORRY FORGIVE ME!!! But something happens in the next few chapters.. maybe someone dies.. maybe they actually do escape.. maybe both? haha anyways! vote and comment like always!! and just wondering besides 5sos who is your favourite band or artist?? mines simple plan hehe okay love you guys bye xx)

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