Five >>

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*One Week Later*

"Hello! Anyone in there?" Said Dr Luke trying to get my attention, I've been in this place a whole week and the only thing I don't like so far is this, him drilling and hacking away at me like a piece of wood trying to give me guidance in my messed up life.

"Yeah I'm here" I sighed slumping even further down into the red arm chair he sat me in. "Good now let's talk about your parents" he said with a smile that could light up the room, I liked the way his eyes squinted when he smiled it made him look younger. "Let's not" I mumbled "Oh come on now, these people are the most important people in your life! They love you very much" he said leaning over and patting my knee.

"If they love me so much, how come they haven't come and seen me? Asked if I was dead or alive? Not even a crummy letter that explains why they couldn't drop me off themselves has arrived! So don't tell me they love me, I was a burden and now I'm out of their lives." I said getting all the pent up emotion out was a good feeling "well.. Okay well then let's talk about.. What would you like to talk about?" he asked, this shocked me a little I was expecting him to ask me about my uncle or press on about my parents "How old are you?" I asked tilting my head to the side slightly, he chuckled and took off his glasses setting them down on the table next to him along with his notepad and pen.

"I'm Twenty-One" he answered raising and eyebrow at me "Only Twenty-One! I thought you were like Twenty-eight!" I shouted a small laugh escaping my lips, he nodded and stood up walking towards the door "times up" he announced. I got up and made my way towards the door stopping in the door way and faced him "um, wow this is gonna make me sound like a typical girl but could you-" "walk you back to your cell?" he said cutting me off like I've done to him so many times, I nodded and he smiled "yeah sure, I know that these halls are pretty scary at night so I understand" he said gesturing to the hall way, I began to walk as he locked up the room.

We walked in silence to my room, his head hung low and his hands shoved into the pockets of his grey cardigan. "So how did a Twenty-One year old get stuck in a place like this?" I asked as my cell came into view "My Aunt ran this place and gave me a job, but she died a few years ago" he said a hint of sadness in his voice "oh I'm so sorry" I said, he nodded and pushed open my door, I walked in and sat down on my bed across from Calum who was throwing a red ball up into the air and then catching it. "Well goodnight" he said shutting the door as he left.

"So how was your appointment with Lucas?" asked Calum not taking his eyes off the ball "boring" I mumbled laying my back on the bed and sighing, the silence between us grew and grew until the lights went out and we were told to go to sleep.

"Goodnight" mumbled Calum "night" I whispered back, I turned over and shut my eyes letting sleep drift over me.


Hours later I was woken up by screaming and guards running up and down the hallway outside my door. I stretched out my arms and listened to what the guards were yelling to each other the majority of it was "We can't shoot" and "Make sure she doesn't get to close" I wonder what is happening?

"Ugh not again" said Calum is a sleepy voice, I heard him stand up and walk over to the door knocking on it a few time before a guard slid a little door back only exposing his eyes "What's happening?" Calum asked, I could now make out his face in the poorly lit light his hair was messier than it usually is and his eyes were almost closed. "One of the girls is trying to escape but she has a few others with her.. some of our guys are being slaughtered and they've killed a few other patients" said the guard his voice sounding out of breath, he then closed the slot door and Calum sighed and slid down the wall.

"Raven?" he called his voice still a bit groggy "yeah" I answered, I heard him stand up and walk to the foot of my bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked leaning agents the wall his arms crossed "yeah just go back to bed" I said turning over, he nodded and went back to his bed. But moments later there was a loud bang at our door, then another, then another. "What the hell was that?" I said swinging my legs off my bed letting my feet hit the cold concrete floor with a thud I made my way over to the door and slid the little window open to take a look, I looked around but no one was there. "What was that?!" whispered shouted Calum, I turned back to him and shrugged but when I looked back there was an eye staring back at me "Oh fu-" I was interrupted mid cuss word by Calum's hand covering my mouth and his other hand pressed agents my stomach, he dragged me away from the door until his back hit the wall at the end of our room.

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