Thirteen >>

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(Two Weeks Later )

Crappy Motel after crappy motel we went Ashton, Michael and I are currently in the backseat with my dog at our feet ( it seemed stupid to leave a dog that is trained to attack an intruder don’t you think?) while Calum and Luke were once again bickering like two old woman in the front seat.

“And I think we should stop somewhere near here.. hell I think we should buy a house here! Its such a small town” said Luke who apparently was staying with us and not going back to the Asylum.

“No! do you know how stupid you sound right now? Buying a house here isn’t going to help at all it’ll be a waste of the little money we now have seeing as we have to stay at 4 star crappy ass motels so YOU can feel comfortable, so just keep driving” Calum snapped back sinking lower into his seat crossing his arms.

“The population of this town is 430 and is close to the woods so if they did come snooping we have those to hide and run into” Luke assured a small smile on his lips as we passed a sign that read “Welcome To Farville.. Population 430”

“Well it doesn’t matter what you say because I already put a deposit on a house here” Luke said a few moments later as he parked the car outside the home dealer building.

“You what?!” shouted Calum from the seat next to him, Luke reached over and unbuckled his seat belt before exiting the car and making his way into the building.

“Can you believe that? honestly if we didn’t need him to drive and to get money off I would- why are you looking at me like that?” Calum stopped mid-sentence and looked back at Michael who was glaring at him from the seat next to me.

“Luke’s plan is actually a good one.. buying a house here might not be so bad seeing as nobody knows us and its far away from the Asylum” Michael spoke out cracking his fingers as he talked.

I don’t know what’s up with Calum and Luke but honestly its getting old and everyone wants it to stop before one kills the other.

“Yeah, yeah whatever” Calum sulked slipping back into his seat and turning the radio up a little, I tapped my foot to the beat and hummed along to the song.

“You know this song?” Ashton asked next to me finally breaking his silence.

“Yeah it’s Busted I love this song” I smiled and continued humming.

“Welcome to the year 3000 nothing’s changed but they live under water” he quietly sung next to me making me smile.

“I’m back” Luke announced opening the door of the driver’s seat and once again starting the car, we all stayed quiet including calum ( thank god )

30 minutes later the car was parked in front of a two story house that has a porch swing and no fence, our back yard is the woods.

“Wow” I breathed stepping out of the car Cass practically flying out and running around in the front yard rolling in the grass and peeing in various spots. “Now just to let you guys know” Luke started standing next to me “We’re college students, Ashton was in a freak accident, and your last names are all changed” he continued before clearing his throat “ Michael you’re now Michael Board, Calum you’re Calum Arckle, Ashton you’re Ashton Brown and Raven you’re Raven Black” he finished, we all groaned at our new names.

“Board? Really?” Michael asked pulling Ashton by the arm and leading him into the new house, I shook my head and patted my leg beckoning Cass to my side as I walked up the porch steps and into the house.

“Nice” I smiled looking around, the walls were an ugly cream colour but it didn’t seem all bad “There are only 3 bedrooms so someone is going to have to sleep alone” Luke called

“Me!” Calum and I both shouted at the same time he gave me a glare and walked past me “I need my privacy” he stated crossing his arms waiting for my response “do you really want to go up againts Cass?” I asked clicking my fingers setting Cass into “attack mode” as mum used to call it, his teeth baring and his ears pressed agents his head, Calum gulped and shook his head.

“Okay Cass calm” I said smiling and walking up the stairs where 3 doors were two next door and the other across from them, I went for the once on the left next door to whoever was going to be next door, I examined the room to find a small queen bed already fitted with sheets and pillows, across from it close to the door was a set of dark wooden draws and a mirror just hanging above it and then a small balcony on looking the forest behind us.

Cass jumped on my bed and curled up into a ball looking at me as I made my way to the balcony letting the wind sweep my hair in all different directions “Is it okay if I come in?” a voice asked behind me, I looked back to see Calum standing in the door way looking at me.

“Yeah sure, what’s up?” I asked spinning around resting my elbows on the veranda “Luke and I are going shopping is there anything you need?” he asked taking a step into my room.

“yes I need Juice, Food, Pads, Towels, Clothes, Dog food, Dog bed, Dog Bowl and a ball” I answered smiling counting everything off with my fingers. “Yeah.. sure I can manage that um.. what kind of clothes?” he asked.. this took me back a little I thought he would have been creeped out about the pads but apparently not.

“Uh, tops, shorts, jumpers, sweats.. anything you can find..” I answered making my way back into my room and closing the balcony doors behind me smiling sweetly, he nodded and left closing the door behind him.

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