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Prologue; not edited

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Prologue; not edited

Rory and Jessica were inseparable back in the day. Being siblings brought something extra in their lives, whether they liked it or not. Since he was the oldest out of the two, he was placed in charge of watching Jessica. All of her friends thought she would complain about Rory keeping a close eye on her, but she didn't. She never argued nor raised her voice at their parents for enlisting that job to her brother. Her reaction brought them even closer than before.

When Sam Winchester came into her life, that's when things started to change. She would be out more, leaving Rory behind to deal with his inner struggles that he was dealing with. The boy never said anything about it - even though he wished that Sam would come over more often since the blonde thought he was absolutely gorgeous. But he wouldn't say that out aloud since Jessica would get angry at him.

He remembered the first time he had met Sam. It was the night before she moved out of their apartment to follow her dreams of going to college. At first, Rory was hesitant to let his younger sister out of his sight, but he quickly diminished that thought when he learned that she was moving in with her boyfriend. Sam was someone he could trust with his sister's life. That all changed when he received a call from the police saying Jessica was dead. He thought losing his parents was hard, but losing Jessica made him lose a part of himself.

Rory walked through the cemetery with silence. He wasn't in the mood to say anything. Even though he's been to this place many times, it was a different feeling. The feeling of guilt that he couldn't save his parents or his sister from two different tragic events. Why did he get to live? What was so special about him? Absolutely nothing.

The sun was slowly lowering itself behind the clouds, taunting the town of the little time they had left of daylight. It was the perfect condition for taking a trip to the local cemetery this week. Leaves crunched under Rory's shoes on each step he took around the random graves that contained people buried underneath. A bouquet of white daisies gripped in his hand as he walked down the familiar aisle of graves. He hasn't been here in a couple of weeks, work was taking so much of his time that he didn't even have time for himself anymore.

After roaming around the cemetery, he finally arrived to his parent's grave that hasn't been touched in weeks. He knelt down on the ground, placing the bouquet of flowers on top of the grave and preceded to brush the dirt off the stone's edges. Honestly, he didn't know why he was cleaning it off, maybe it was for respect or he didn't want his parents to feel abandoned. Most people would say that he was doing the right by visiting them, but it only left more wounds than healing scars.

"Sorry, Mom and Dad for not visiting." Rory said, staring blankly at the grave. "Work has been taking up all my time lately, it sucks that I can't have time for myself. But I wanted you to know how sorry I am for not protecting Jessica. I made a promise that I would always protect her and I didn't."

He honestly didn't know what else to say to his parents. The emptiness in his heart was making all the words gets jumbled up in the back of his throat. Biting his lip, Rory placed a white single flower on the grave before picking up the others and heading over to his younger sister's burial place - even though nothing was in there. The body of Jessica was still getting inspected by the police, so that's why it was a empty grave.

"Hey, Jessica. I- I miss you. I know that Sam misses you too." Rory looked down at the ground, a single tear ran down his face. "I haven't spoken to Sam since the night he came over to meet me. Do you remember that?"

"I remember the first time he walked into our apartment - I kept hitting on him and you told me to shut up before you hit me with the spatula." He laughed, wiping a strand of tears with the back of his hands. "But that's not the only thing I noticed that night. I could see how he looked at you. It was the look of love. Jessica, he truly loved you. And I know he'll always love you to the end of his life."

"Jess, I will change. I will no longer be the sad little boy who lost his parents and sister.. I will be stronger. I know that you'll would want this for me. We all do. I love you, sis."

Despite everything that happened, Rory is stronger than ever. With the passing of his sister, he realized that all good things come to an end some day. The police never finalized what happened to her, but Rory believed that it wasn't an ordinary death. Something about the way she was found made alarm bells go off in his head. He knew that a human couldn't have done it. So that made him pack his bags, get in his car, and look for the one person who could possibly have all the answers.

Sam Winchester.


This is not edited - so therefore don't point out any mistakes in this prologue. I also know its short, reason being, this is more of an introduction to the book.

Blood Haven will not be worked until I finish season one of Supernatural. I said in my first author's note that I wouldn't work on this either. Also, this is my first book in the fandom, so please give me mercy on it. The reason why I killed off Rory and Jessica's parents because it adds drama into the plot.

Please, please comment as much as you can. That gives me the motivation to update faster and to binge watch the show. I really hope you guys like prologue. Chapter dedicated to amazonians -overhorizons and -nefxrious -tonkinforgranted
thanks for being amazing

 Chapter dedicated to amazonians  -overhorizons and -nefxrious -tonkinforgranted thanks for being amazing

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