Chapter 13| "Your A Disgrace To The Family."

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Chapter 13|"Your A Disgrace To The Family."




I SAT DOWN next to James with my phone in my hand in the lunch room. I took a bite out of my apple and munched on it while focusing on a new level of Candy Crush.

"What up dude?" I heard James speak, I nodded towards him never breaking eye contact with my phone.

"Dude, Jessica came to my house yesterday after you left and-" he was going to continue before I cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up, I don't want to talk about your sex life." I snapped up, I held my hand out shutting him up.

"Woah! What crawled up your ass and died?" He asked holding his hands up surrendering.

"My parents," I stated, taking my beanie off and running a hand through my hands. James winced not replying knowing that me parents are a fragile spot for me.

"What's up chicken butt?" I heard a familiar voice say, I looked to my right and I saw Gwen was sitting there with her tray full of food, I raised an eyebrow at her questioning her actions, she gave me a confused look and raised her own eyebrow back at me. "What?" She asked taking a bit of a fry.

"Why are you sitting here?" James asked for me.

She looked at him and looked at the table she's usually sits at, "Connor and his friends were flirting with me, and I knew he was scared of Zac after the 'incident' happened so,-" she took a sip of her water, "I thought that sitting here was best for me." She explained, I nodded while glaring at Connor's head.

"Where's your bestie?" I asked forgetting her name.

"Do you mean Natalie?" James asked, I looked at him and gave him a 'are-you-stupid?' look.

"No, I mean Justin Bieber." I stated sarcastically, "Of course I mean Natalie you dip shit!" I exclaimed.

Gwen let out a nervous laugh, "Well.. it's nothing that really needed to be said but.. yesterday Natalie found out that her boyfriend, Mike, cheated on her with another girl." She confessed, I saw her fist clench and I knew she was angry that this guy named Mike hurt her best friend.

I nodded not caring that much, while James, he scoffed and leaned back in his chair, "Fucking finally! That girl kinda deserved it."

I kicked him under the table, his jaw dropped in shock, I glanced over at Gwen and then looked back at James, he glanced at Gwen and his eyes widened in fright as he saw Gwen was giving him a sweet but scary smile. Her eyes were full of fire and was mentally glaring at James.

I sighed and shook my head at James in disappointment, laying my head on the table passing another level of Candy Crush and going onto level 298.

"Hey! I'm just speaking my mind!" James exclaimed. I snapped my head at James.

"Dude! Shut the fuck up your just gonna make the girl attack you and kill you cold blooded!" I shouted at him, I caught some people staring and whispering because; one, their wondering what we were talking about. Two, they were whispering about why Gwen was sitting with us. I just glared at them shutting them up.

"Oh, don't worry Zac, I won't do it right now." She playfully slapped my arm and I looked over at her, the fire was still burning in her eyes, she tried her best to hide it.

I smirked and winked at hinting that I knew how angry she was. She blushed at my action and the anger disappeared and was replaced with shyness.

I looked over at James and he was wiggling his eyebrows at me. I scoffed and turned back to Candy Crush as James and Gwen returned to their normal conversation like nothing has ever happened.



"Alright class, I've finally found a due date for your essays." The teacher said as she put down all of her shit that she always carries. The class stayed silent and she took the time to tell us when the essays are due.

"So, I've talked to Mr. Cult to ask him if you guys could could make a short version of your essay and make it your speech when you guys graduate." I heard groans and whines throughout the classroom making the teacher roll her eyes.

"Grow up guys, we all knew this was going to happen." A kid somewhere is the classroom blurted out, he only got groans as a reply.

"Anyway-" the teacher glared at the kid, "this means this essay is due in 2 months. Good luck, I'll let you guys start working." She finished and sat down down in her chair and stared typing on her computer.

I felt someone nudge me from my right, I looked and I saw Gwen smiling at me, she opened her mouth and said, "I'll make that senior essay change." she then turned and started typing on her laptop acting like she didn't say anything like that.

My eyes were wide and I was taken back by surprise seeing on what she meant by that.

What will she do? What does she mean? How will she make my essay change? What's going to happen in 2 months?

The questions slurred in my mind as I was typing my essay.


I shut my car off when I made it home. I grabbed my bag and slammed my door shut trotting to the front door, my parents cars were in the driveway, telling me that they're either biting they're heads off, or telling me that they're getting it on trying to get another child so that they can give me away.

My eyes saddened at the second option, even though my parents don't love me, doesn't mean I can't love them back. Ya, I don't love them as much as a child is suppose too, but they are still my parents, they still raised me and taught me who I am now.

I entered the house and I kept my my shoes on and dragged my ass up to my room.

I was about to take the first step on the stairs, but was interrupted by the office door opening and slamming closed, the house shook at the impact.

I glared at the devil of a father that was walking up to me with a furious look on his face, he pointed a finger at me. "You are tearing this family apart!!" He bursted, I raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Really? Me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes you!" My father yelled fire burning in his eyes.

"Me?" My voice started to raise, and the same fire that was in my fathers eyes were growing in mine. "I'm the one that's quiet and out of your fucking way just like you want me too! And yet you just can't take that can you?!" I screamed at him with venom in my voice.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He yelled back.

"I can talk to you like that all I want too, because you insult me every fucking day, so that gives me every right to tell you off and yell at you!" I yelled back, my breaths were short and my body was shaking with rage, my dad was the same as me.

My mom then walked in with a deep frown on her face and she was glaring at me with furry burning at her gaze, she joined my father's side and spoke with the same exact tone that my father used, and spoke, "Get the fuck out of our house. Your a disgrace to the family." She insulted.

I smirked evilly at them, "Gladly." I spoke, I grabbed my bag and walked to the door and slammed it, the house shaking from my rage.

I walked down the road not knowing where to go.


Picture of Zac winking at Gwen--------->

Hope you enjoyed this cute/emotional chapter.

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