Chapter 1

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I'm not really into chapter names so here it goes....

Annabeths POV 

My life was perfect. I had my prince, I had my kingdom. Until she came along. 

She entered Camp with ragged clothing, messy hair, cuts, limping. Percy being Percy rushed to help, I went along to see what was happening. Her name was Charlotte Hampton. At the time that didn't matter because I was focused on something else. The way MY Seaweed Brain was looking at her. Sure she had looks but come on I was his princess not her. 

Percy and I helped her get to the infirmary. I had to talk to Percy, see what he thought about her. 

Percys POV

She was beautiful. Now don't get me wrong Annabeth is pretty but Charlotte is just breathtaking. Even with all those cuts. 

After we helped Charlotte get to the infirmary Annabeth pulled me into my cabin. 

"So what do you think about the new girl?" She asked 

"Her name is Charlotte and I haven't even talked to her yet" I replied though that wasn't entirely true. She thanked me as I laid her down on a bed in the infirmary. Her voice was just, hard to explain. Wonderful. Powerful. 

"Ohhh good" Annabeth replied, she was thinking. I could tell because her nose crinkles up slightly but it's there. She's so cute when she's thinking. The horn sounded for dinner. 

"C'mon Wise Girl, let's go eat." I gave her a quick peck on the lips to snap her out of her trance. 

"Race ya'" She said ruffling my hair then taking off, barely giving me time to process what she'd just said. 

While we were running I caught up to her. Something unpredictable happened. She stopped. I tumbled into her and I fell on the ground with her on top of me. She wasn't laughing. She had a look of fear in her face, I couldn't figure out why. 

Cliffhanger!!!!! Sorry I'm so evil. I'll try to post as soon as possible. Anyways how'd you like it? Percabeth shippers don't worry you'll be happy with the ending...... of the book. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Bye! Comment your thoughts below! 

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